C:\Documents and Settings\Dawn\BACK UP MY DOCs\SvcHost.exe ? Need to know someone please

Someone will probably be able to answer for you, but just out of curosity have you tried scanning it with either your anti-virus or any of the online ones? How did you discover it?

I'm monitoring this, I can't scan. I send someone to scan if it's a virus. Doing research I did not find the location to be legit. I just want to make sure before sending someone to fix or clean something that is normal

Chike, I am not 100% sure if it is a virus or not but I found this site, I am not in a network security field, but after what you said and what I have read, I would suggest deleting it. Probably wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion, but basically what I read was if it is not in the registry it is suppose to be, delete it. I am still looking for the correct areas for it to exist though. I will let you know if I find something.

Ok...I found these four locations to be legit:


I also read, that even though you could have four copies of this file, only the one in C:\Windows\System32 should be running. And of course this is all assumed you have installed Windows as C:\Windows.
Also, I scanned my Document and Settings folder and did not find that file anywhere. Please post here what you decide to do and if it worked. I would like to learn this as well. Thanks.

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