I have tried going to start-> run-> cmd-> and then i typed in ipconfig/release and then ipconfig/renew but then i got this
"An error occurred while renewing interface Wireless Network connection : unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out"

Please help me out..what should i do

make sure the DHCP server is up and running

The DHCP is enabled. I checked it under ipconfig/all in the command prompt. Please what else could be wrong with it

the DHCP server is not in your PC, it is on another machine, possibly a router

I'm using netgar and everything is working fine because the internet is working fine on another laptop but not on the IBM thinkpad

put the results of ipconfig /all in here

The ipconfig/all
Host Name: IBM-8E68BE76151
Primary Dns Suffix:
Node Type:Unknown
IP Routing Enabled:No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State: Media disconnected
Description: Intel<R> PRO/100 VE Network Connection
Physical Address: 00-1A-E8-5C-9F-A6

Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix:
Description: Wireless-G Notebook Adapter WPC54G V3
Physical Address: 00-12-17-B6-80-AD
Dhcp Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

IP looks strange, not something a router will give out. and what about the wired connection, do you use it?

If you are trying to renew the IP on the wireless, just go to "My Network Places" right-click, and go to properties. Select the wireless connection icon, right-click and select disable. after its disabled, right-click again and select enable.

not to worry guys, i called netgear and they helped me out with it..Thanks for your help all the same

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