Hi Guys
I need your help on this one.

Everytime my PC is connected to the internet using a wireless adaptor my windows xp freezes and I have to do a hard reset manually . I have two USB wireless adapters (Linksys wireless G USB and Netgear G111T ) and the freezing happens with BOTH.

As soon as I disconnect these adaptors my PC works fine, No freezing! I have tried updating the drivers,disabling the onboard "wired" adaptor, uninstalling the linksys and netgear utilities .... nothing seems to fix it. Interestingly the same problem happened when I tried the adaptors on another XP machine.

Can anyone out there help ? Thanks in advance ( I hope you can help before I go insane over this !

BTW My computer
AMD Athlon XP 2400 , 1gb ram, windows xp performance edition - SP2

it's obvious that the wireless gear is the problem. if you just purchase it return it. one last suggest is to shut down the pc then insert the card the restart the pc if windows still freezes get rid of the card

it's obvious that the wireless gear is the problem. if you just purchase it return it. one last suggest is to shut down the pc then insert the card the restart the pc if windows still freezes get rid of the card

But the problem happens with two different wireless adaptors .... how likely is that both of my adaptors would have the same defect ?

it's obvious that the wireless gear is the problem. if you just purchase it return it. one last suggest is to shut down the pc then insert the card the restart the pc if windows still freezes get rid of the card

Hi Guys
I need your help on this one.

Everytime my PC is connected to the internet using a wireless adaptor my windows xp freezes and I have to do a hard reset manually . I have two USB wireless adapters (Linksys wireless G USB and Netgear G111T ) and the freezing happens with BOTH.

As soon as I disconnect these adaptors my PC works fine, No freezing! I have tried updating the drivers,disabling the onboard "wired" adaptor, uninstalling the linksys and netgear utilities .... nothing seems to fix it. Interestingly the same problem happened when I tried the adaptors on another XP machine.

Can anyone out there help ? Thanks in advance ( I hope you can help before I go insane over this !

BTW My computer
AMD Athlon XP 2400 , 1gb ram, windows xp performance edition - SP2

I too had this problem with these pieces of gear. i had them working just fine for about 2 years when my problem started. i tried to work with their tech support but since i was out of warranty (1 year) they wouldn't help; just research their knowledgebases and hope for the best. i tossed the router in the garbage and bought a linksys routter and i was just fine.

hope this helps.

I too had this problem with these pieces of gear. i had them working just fine for about 2 years when my problem started. i tried to work with their tech support but since i was out of warranty (1 year) they wouldn't help; just research their knowledgebases and hope for the best. i tossed the router in the garbage and bought a linksys routter and i was just fine.

hope this helps.


I returned the damn Netgear and replaced it with a new Belkin USB adaptor and the same problem continued.

Everything is perfect until I connect my wireless adapter ..... a few minutes after connecting the adaptor and connecting to the net my effin PC freezes.

Any suggestions ???


I returned the damn Netgear and replaced it with a new Belkin USB adaptor and the same problem continued.

Everything is perfect until I connect my wireless adapter ..... a few minutes after connecting the adaptor and connecting to the net my effin PC freezes.

Any suggestions ???


I am not sure what to tell you. You've done the things that we suggested to isolate the problem. 2 different manfacture devices and 2 separate XP installs - doesn't make any sense to me.

I can think of only 2 other possibilities:
1) Take your USB adapter to a freinds house that has an XP install and see if the problem continues.
a) If not, then I would question your XP installs at home/office. In this case, try a fresh XP install, get all the Windows updates (no other application installs) and try your adapter again. If this happens again, you may have some "type" of hardware incompatibliity problem :( .
b) If the problem continues then that would suggest that you received 2 bad devices; chances would be almost zero :'( ! In this situation, see if you have a freind who has a similar adapter that you could borrow and try it on you XP machines.

Good luck

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