I'm new to the whole "network" scheme. My laptop is scheduled to be delivered on Monday (4/7/08), and I was considering print options for the laptop. I have a HPF335 printer, and it's connected to my desktop. So If I wanted to print from the laptop without using a USB cord, is a print server the answer? This server is an example of what i'm referring to.

if you have a wireless router then you dont have to have a print server.

you could either connect the priter to the router if the router suppotrs printers

or you could share the printer from the computer that it is already connected to. you would just have to create a network connection on both the laptop and the other computer and then add the printer to the laptop. this would also mean that the computer that is connected to the printer would need to be on if you wanted to print.

Oh i see, that's some good info. So I'm assuming most people just get a router that supports printers, right?

well I guess that is a matter of personal choice.

It would depend on how many computers you have in the network, will you print from each one, is there a chance that more than one computer will want to print at the same time and so on. but if you just have 2 or 3 computers I wouldn't worry about if the router suppots printers unless thats just how you want to set it up. in that case USRobotics has a router with a built in print server.

I will have two computers. You say you wouldn't worry about if the router supports printing. So If it doesn't support it, my desktop would have to be on in order to print from the laptop. Right?

If I have a router such as this one, what effect will it have on my comcast DSL modem? Do I still need it, or will that router take it's place?

correct, if you share the printer through the computer it is connected to, then that computer will need to be on when you wanted to print from the laptop.

Routers do not typicaly take the place of DSL modems. Although they do make some modems that have built in routers.

It looks like your router is just a router so you will still need the DSL modem and it looks like it is not wireless. Wireless routers will support IEEE 802.11 specifications, I dont see that listed.

in this case you either need to get a wireless router if you want to roam around the house with the laptop

or just plug the laptop into the router with a network cable(this option will not allow you to move the laptop around the house)

if you want to connect the printer to the router directly you need not just a router that supports it but also a printer that has a network interface (most don't).

Just turn on sharing for the printer on the computer it's connected to and you should be able to find it from your laptop.

yah, that router you listed does not have a WiFi option. For a laptop you do want that :)
And it doesn't replace your modem either. Instead you plug the modem into the router instead of the PC, enter the login details for your ISP into the router configuration, and all computers connected to the router have internet access (though you can usually turn that on and off as you want per access port).

I recommend you get something like this instead: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/472888-REG/Belkin_F5D7231_4_Wireless_G_Plus_Router.html
I have one, it's very easy to set up, and offers both wired and wireless networking.

ok, well the idea of having my desktop on to print, doesn't sound to appealing. So the included feature of a print function sounds good. When I do an efficient shop, I'll keep that in mind.

Also, wirless is definitely what I prefer. The less cords, the better. Upon doing a quick google search, this router is something that popped up. How does this look, in regards to the "print" , and "wireless" issues.

if you want to connect the printer to the router directly you need not just a router that supports it but also a printer that has a network interface (most don't).

Just turn on sharing for the printer on the computer it's connected to and you should be able to find it from your laptop.

yah, that router you listed does not have a WiFi option. For a laptop you do want that :)
And it doesn't replace your modem either. Instead you plug the modem into the router instead of the PC, enter the login details for your ISP into the router configuration, and all computers connected to the router have internet access (though you can usually turn that on and off as you want per access port).

I recommend you get something like this instead: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/472888-REG/Belkin_F5D7231_4_Wireless_G_Plus_Router.html
I have one, it's very easy to set up, and offers both wired and wireless networking.

Oh ok. Network Interface card, huh? Well I doubt mine has one, I'll check of course. I have a HP deskjetF335 printer, and it wasn't expensive, so probably not! :-/ So I guess because of that; my only choice is to keep the desktop connected to the printer via my USB, and make sure it's "on" when i want to print from my laptop, huh?

I agree that is a very good router. and yeah you will need a network card in your printer also if you want to connect it to a router. Sorry I forgot to tell you that. My bad.

I also did a search on your printer and it looks like it will only connect to a computer, but don't take my word for it double check.

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