I have no internet connection after I did a system restore on my laptop computer. I have wireless at home and it is not picking it up, even when I connect it directly to the computer, nothing. I've downloaded all the cds (drivers, etc) and still nothing. Can anyone help?

Chances are that your wireless settings have changed. If there's a router involved, you need to enter the router setup and get your wireless settings and enter them into the laptop.
It might be easiest to set the router to defaults and start over.

Well here in TX I have AT&T u-Verse. My lap top if fine but after 3 years I just re set my desk top. Dell 2400. I'm not sure on how to get my connection back in order. The day I had this installed, the tech came out and did everything. I was doing other things when he was working. Now I'm lost. any help would be great. It's a wireless set up but from the control panel, do I click on once I inside "Network and Internet Connection" Network connections or wireless Network Setup Wizard or other. Please help

Well here in TX I have AT&T u-Verse. My lap top if fine but after 3 years I just re set my desk top. Dell 2400. I'm not sure on how to get my connection back in order. The day I had this installed, the tech came out and did everything. I was doing other things when he was working. Now I'm lost. any help would be great. It's a wireless set up but from the control panel, do I click on once I inside "Network and Internet Connection" Network connections or wireless Network Setup Wizard or other. Please help

j30mack, this is called "hijacking" a thread, and it leads to confusion (Which question is being answered?).
Please start your own topic.

ok, i will do. Sorry about that

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