Please tell me in Network Security what issues may be?

Can u please be more specific as what type of security issues you require..

can you please google before asking questions on the forum?

Security issues means like- Virus problem, Hacking pronlem.

As posted by dima u could either google ur pblm or still be specific cause virus problems are vague..

Security issues means like- Virus problem, Hacking pronlem.

I mean to say that i want to protect my computer from Virus.

Use anti-virus software. Google this and you will find lots, some are free some are not. AVG is a good bet. We use this in the school I support and it works fine for us.

AVG is not free for commercial use. if you use the free version in a school, you are breaking the law

You didn't say it was for commercial use. We have licenses for this software as we are commercial. The home version is free. We also use a e-trust which is supplied from county and is free for us.

hi all

how to configur ris server windows 2003? please send any good link also

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