I'm using Windows XP Home edition. I just installed a new motherboard. I can connect to my DSL server with Netscape Navigator just fine, but Explorer will only give me "cannot display page."
I don't know if this is related, but I also cannot use either of my ftp programs to update web sites. Those connections also fail. I was using Norton Antivirus until I got sick of how slow my computer was running and uninstalled it using a couple methods. At the moment I don't have an antivirus on this machine. I've tried uninstalling Explorer and reinstalling the latest version, reinstalling Windows XP.... I'm stumped. I've looked all over the Internet and haven't found much help. Any suggestions?

Go to Tools, Options, Connections and make sure there isn't a dialup connection listed there--unless you use dialup. From there keep going into LAN Settings and make sure nothing is checked.

After making those changes, if any, close and reopen IE and see if it works.

If not, go to avast.com and grab the free antivirus program for your computer and scan it.

I did everything you suggested...the problem persists. I have an always-on DSL connection.

dale ists jorell..ok i got three for you to check..here we go

i want you to look at the bottom right of your screen near the clock and see do you see the network icon with a red x .. i will look like a small computer with a red x all over it

2. go to start - run- then type cmd (code for geting into the dos prompt)
once the little black screen appears type in this word ipconfig then hit enter
you swill see funny things but look for the following

ip address...... (example)
default gateway . . . .

thas a way to check the connection

if you get this

ip adress..... ... then you have a connection problem hit me back with the details

and 3 now this is a physical inspection ..look on the moden or dsl that you have ans see where the cat cable goes ..check to see if its all the way in or if you need to replace the cable

Thanks for your help. :)
1--There is no screen with a red x on it.
2-- the ipconfig reads:

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 6:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : lan
IP Address …………………..:
Subnet Mask…………………:
IP Address……………………:.fe80::2e0:18ff:fea7:8b9c%4
Default Gateway……………...:

Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address ……………………….: fe80:ffff:ffff:fffd%5
Default Gateway………………....:

Tunnel adapter Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : lan
IP Address ……………………….: fe80::5efe:
Default Gateway………………....:

3--My physical Internet connection is fine. I'm connecting using Netscape Navigator with no problem. I can't get Explorer of Firefox to connect.

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