Is it possible to print wirelessly from a laptop with a linksys g card? I do have a router but not a print server, so i dont know if this is possible or not. If it is, could someone tell me how to do this?

It is certainly possible and commonly done, the wireless part of your question is irrelevent. If the printer is connected to another computer on the wireless network then you simply share the printer like with any other network. If you don't know how to do this, let me know and I'll try to help you through it. If you don't have the printer connected to another PC, then you will have to have a print server.

I have the printer connected to a desktop computer and would like to be able to print wirelessly from my laptop. I don't know how to do this, and would certainly appreciate your help.

Do you have bluetooth?

I'm sorry for taking so long, I haven't been around much lately because I'm getting a new software release out. Ugh! You need to set up MS Networking on both computer then share the printer from the machine the printer is connected to. Then Add it to the laptop. The exact instructions are different with different MS operating systems. The first step is to make sure they both are using the same workgroup name and can see each other in network neighborhood.

I'll try that and get back to. Thanks!

I tried this and got the printer to come up as one of the available printers, but when I tried printing, it took about five minutes and then it said there was an error printing.

Does it print a test page ok? How good is your link? If you have a good wireless link, then there is nothing about the setup that should cause you problems. Try printing something really small. If that goes ok then I would suspect your wireless link is questionable if not then your printer setup.

Does it print a test page ok? How good is your link? If you have a good wireless link, then there is nothing about the setup that should cause you problems. Try printing something really small. If that goes ok then I would suspect your wireless link is questionable if not then your printer setup.

It's probably my printer setup. One thing that was suspicious was when it asked what kind of wireless card I was using. It wasn't on there(linksys), so I selected the top option which was generic network card.

If you go through the Add printer wizard and then point to network printer and browse to the printer you want, it should just go easily. The drivers have to be right if they are both using XP. The network really has to be ok if you can browse to and find printer. XP is a little odd in that it wants to be your wireless setup instead of just letting the 3rd party software do the job. I don't like it.

Heres a question, do they both connect via internet? And file sharing is set up?
If so you have to install the drivers on both pc's like mentioned. It may also be a printer error, does the printer print from the direct connected PC, if so, call linksys ad ask them whats up. They should help you out.

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