I can connect to a computer using remote logging, i specifically use the IP adress of the computer to avoid any confusion. The problem is writing the ping command from the same computer i remotely logged from does not work.. what am i doing wrong, i'm sure i'm using the right IP address, PLEASE HELP!

when i try to ping the computer i get the reply 'request timed out'..hope this will help

If it says request type out, then the IP address is either wrong, or the computer is not on the same network as you are or the computer is switched off....

What Program are you using to remote desktop the PC??

Also what is the operating system you are using, and the operating system your trying to remote desktop.

Is remote desktop connection enabled on the other PC?

If you have access to the computer, check the IP address, by doing the following - go to in and go Start > Run > Type cmd > Hit enter > Type ipconfig > it will list all the network IP addresses, try that.



Both the computers are running on WINDOWS XP pack2.
I can remotely connect to the PC using the ip adress i use when i use the ping command, but the ping command gives me the reply, 'request timed out'
but i still can connect to the computer using remote connection,
the remote connecting is enables on the other pc but everytime i enable it , it gives me a warning the all computers connecting remotely to that one should have a password....i would love it if u can help me!

OK, well i tried something at school.... and i found out.. that someone has to be logged onto the computer for you to ping that address.... i found that out at school...

so, maybe that might help....

try that.

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