Hi everybody! I really need help. I bought a Netgear WRG614 wireless broadband/dsl router. The only thing is...I have a dial up internet connection. Is there a way to use this router to wirelessly network my desktop PC to my notebook? My notebook already has wireless capabilities. I've got it (the router) plugged into my desktop but the desktop doesn't seem to sense it. Also, the router doesn't detect my internet connection. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks in advance...

That router isn't going to work, unless you are getting DSL or cable soon I would suggest you return.

Does your desktop have a modem in it?

What OS is it running?

Does it have a 10/100 NIC card (LAN)?

Is your wireless 802.11B or 802.11G in the laptop?

I would setup my desktop with the modem to the internet (internet sharing enabled) with crossover ethernet cable to a plain old access point.

The laptop going wireless with a default gateway of the desktop NIC's ip address.

Of course this will depend on your responses to the above questions.

That router isn't going to work, unless you are getting DSL or cable soon I would suggest you return.

Does your desktop have a modem in it?

What OS is it running?

Does it have a 10/100 NIC card (LAN)?

Is your wireless 802.11B or 802.11G in the laptop?

I would setup my desktop with the modem to the internet (internet sharing enabled) with crossover ethernet cable to a plain old access point.

The laptop going wireless with a default gateway of the desktop NIC's ip address.

Of course this will depend on your responses to the above questions.

Hi there. I have an internal modem and Windows XP. The computer's a Compaq Presario 6000. It does have an ethernet hook up in back but I don't know if it has a NIC card, though. I just bought one at the store to install. The laptop is equipped with 802.11B. When you say cross over ethernet cable to a plain access point, what does that mean? I saw something on Amazon that's called a Wi Flyer that sounds like it might work. Should I just give up on the router I have now? Thank you so much for all your help.

WOW thats pretty cool, looks like exactly what you need. I can't guess how eary or hard it is to configure and you may need to add a wireless card to the desktop (maybe not...)

For everyone else looking, here is a link http://www.alwaysonwireless.com/wiflyer.html

FYI your ethernet is commonly called a NIC, LAN, or 10/100 card.

A cross-over cable is normally a Cat 5 cable with pins 1-3 and 2-6 crossed over. It is used to connect two pc's without a hub, or in this case a pc and a wireless access point.

An access point just serves as wireless media, think of it as a piece of cable that a bunch of pc's can hook to. The router you have has alot of intelligence built into it, can be confusing to people who don't do much networking.

I say send back the router you have and try the wiflyer. Worst case you will have to send it back and drop another post here and I/anyone can help you with the hook up and settings.

If it works the wiflyer would be a much cleaner approach to your problem.

I think I am posting at least three cents here... sorry about that. Good luck!

Thanks for all your help! I'll check out the Wi Flyer and see how it goes...

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