I have an Ambit Speedstream 60678EU Cable Modem router and I need to open some ports for the WoW downloader. My default gateway is, my problem is that once I enter this into the web browser is just takes me to Aol search and says it wasn't found. Help me out with this please.

I didn't found your modem model at www.portforward.com. That site includes some guidelines to open/forward ports to your computer. I think this modem is working as bridge modem only, so your computer connects directly to your ISP. Try to look at your computer if the firewall blocks WoW.

I can't get into windows firewall to see, I get Error 1068 when I try to open it.

That's weird... maybe, your computer got infected with spyware and for that reason is blocked the access to windows firewall panel. Try to scan & clean with any anti-spyware tool (like Spybot or Anti-Malware, both software are free to use). Don't forget to perform a database update before use it.

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