I have a netgear router rp614, I can only forward 20 ports is there a way to setup another router to free up more ports? or is there a router out there that can do more than 20 ports? I also have a linksys befsr41 spare.

Member Avatar for nicentral

Go with a Linksys WRT54G. It's also a wireless ap, but you can disable that if you don't need it. I use one of these at home and from what I can tell, there's no limit to the number of ports that you can forward with it.

Also, if you've got some hardware lying around, there's always the Linux firewall option. Check this site out for a really slick, and super easy linux based firewall/gateway. http://www.smoothwall.org/


so do you use smoothwall express?
My systems are all running win 2000 pro sp4. I have an extra pc doing nothing but collecting dust p4 2.24 80gig 256ram.
is there a problem using linux with win2k?

Member Avatar for nicentral

No problems at all. Especially if you are using it as a firewall/router. It'll basically look at the traffic as regular TCP/IP traffic. To be honest though, a p4 2.24 is going to be WAY overkill for a linux based router. However, if it isn't doing anything else, why not?

I have a WinXP workstation at home with a Fedora based file server. The file server is only a PII 400Mhz and response time is excellent. The only issue I ran into was the learning curve for Samba on Linux. Once I got over that though, I was good to go.


so than I can put this on a p3 500 and it will work fine?
and I can forward the ports easly? also do I need a version linux?
or does smoothwall have it built in? thanx for all the help

Member Avatar for nicentral

Heck yeah! You could feasibly run smoothwall on an 486 if you really cared to. If you go to smoothwall.org, you can download an iso for smootwall express. It's a pretty easy and straigtforward install. And finally, yes, you can forward ports easily.


thanks for all your help andy

Member Avatar for nicentral

No problem. Let us know how things work out.


ok which version of linux should I get I found a bunch of different ones on the net. I am not sure which to download. theres redhat, fedora and some others here is the link I found them at. http://www.linuxiso.org/
can someone tell me which to download? its all confusing and stuff lol

Member Avatar for nicentral

You don't need to get any version of Linux. The smoothwall iso is all you need. You can boot from it once you burn it to a CD and it already includes a complete version of Debian.


ahh ok now I get it :o Thanx again

ok I just started working on this smoothwall and well I am stuck. I boot the pc from the CD with the smoothwall iso on it and it starts it gets to the creating a logfile... and sits there and sits there than the screen goes blank and can't get it back what should I do?

found the problem seems it doesn't like to have a KVM switcher.
no its all set except I don't know how to login I know my passwords but not the login name. do I have to redo this again?

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