I hope someone can help me on this problem as it's driving me nuts now and I may just wipe WinXP and re-install

Ok in brief

I keep getting Page cannot be displayed and on the bottom dns error/sever not found I think.

This was on Dial_Up modem.

So I decided to network this machine with my other machine and it won't even talk to that via the network card. This also goes for trying to connect it direct into a modem/router.

After this failure I even tried connecting to my other dsl modem via USb to rule out the network card.

It doesn't matter what I do on a modem or dsl connection as I can connect but can not via or talk to the internet.

Also same goes for the network card. Have to use static IP as auto IP addy won't work also.

I have tried the netsh dump commands after the int ip commands but still nothing. tried a Winsok fix but nothing.

I can ping myself but can not ping out the machine?

Anyone have any clue what is going on as I have even run spoy software and virus software. Tried WInXp repair and IE repair.

Just to make it clear , I can connect to my ISP's via Dsl and dial up so it's not a ISP problem.

Hope someone can help me on this.


ok... you said you have statically assign your ip on the network... can you communicate with the router when you do this?

Also, when set to dhcp and connected to your router, are you pulling an auto-config ip? How about when connected to modem(if it is a modem/router combo)?

ok... you said you have statically assign your ip on the network... can you communicate with the router when you do this?

Also, when set to dhcp and connected to your router, are you pulling an auto-config ip? How about when connected to modem(if it is a modem/router combo)?

As my post, If I auto get an IP address it fails and gives limited or no connectivity, hence reason to assign a static one.

But again it won't talk to nothing, i sometime get bytes Received but not sent.

Also with my post , can't talk too nothing via the Network or even connected on a Dial up modem internet connection.

It's why I tried a DSL USB modem to rule out Netowrk card issues and PCI Modem issue.

I don't know what else WinXP uses to communicate as I did try a Winsock fix file and also the IEFix util. If I can actually dial up my ISP and also DSL on my other ISP then the issue isn't the Modems.

It's something in WInXP which must be corrupt or for some reason my Machine wants to resolve names via DNS which it shouldn't in WinXP?

I thought DNS name reolving is only for servers?

Hope this helps

Let's see, first, post here the ip address info for your nic. Go to start>run type "cmd" At the command prompt type ipconfig /all and let us know what that says.

When you statically assign an address, make sure it is on the same network as the default gateway(your router) For example, if the router ip is, make sure the static ip starts 192.168.1.x then assing x a value between 2-254.

Can your other computer obtain an address via DHCP?

DNS is used all the time. It is only run on servers, but you use it just about everytimr you access a website. When you go to google.com DNS resolves the name "google.com" to the actual ip address. That way we don't have memorize a bunch of ip addresses.
You say you have an internet connection, but can't access a website. Try this:
In a web browser type the following addresses:

Those will take you to google, yahoo and daniweb respectively. If you are connected to the internet, even without DNS, those will work. Let us know the results and we will go from there.

C:\Program Files\Support Tools>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : young
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 8:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : VIA Compatable Fast Ethernet Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-11-09-29-8D-C4
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

C:\Program Files\Support Tools>

For those Web Addy's

The page cannot be displayed

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer

This is via the current machine networked, but will try those again when I pull out my dsl of my current machine.


Tested via dsl modem on USB and still

The page cannot be displayed

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer


Tested via dsl modem on USB and still

The page cannot be displayed

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer


Hi all

Ok I have solved the problem and I am really confused on something.

Ok I use to use Kaspersky Antihack and Anti-Virus.

Even though the anti hack was removed from start up so it never started, for some reason it was still active. I had a last thought and unistalled it, now I have activity across both machines , through the router.

I did however move the slider in the Anti hack to permit all but still never worked so hence the uninstall, so am confused.

I hate it when software like this doesn't tell you it is blocking things so I will stick with the WinXp firewall and maybe install ZoneAlarm untill I get Nortons for this machine too.

Thanks for the post's

I am also facing this problem. I have installed VIpnet vpn .
after installing & removing I cannot use my Lan, broadband internet dialup internet. I have run msn spyware & yahoo spy.
but my lan card did not ping router or lan card on other computer.
i have uninstalled & installed lan cards but no avail.
ping is fine but cannot ping gateway.
didno receive packets more than 1 to 10.
help me

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