is there any good free firewalls??

iptables and ipchains are by far the best free ones. Don't forget the smoothwall project.

I do not recommend ZoneAlarm. though I have never had a problem with it(of course that was years ago). I have just heard to many complaints from friends that are network engineers & security engineers that work for the military. I tend to believe ones who I look up to.

But I have used this free SYGATE real easy to configure you will have no problem buddy.
It's a practical step. Adding layers of security can't be a bad thing... No one can argue against having security. Some members on this site show no need for security which is ashame.

Alt mirror


While iptables and ipchains are great, as far as I know they're only for linux. Zone Alarm is the only free one I know of for Windows.

While iptables and ipchains are great, as far as I know they're only for linux.

Who said they were for NT? Its was a joke. :D

dvr's initial question was about free firewalls. I just wanted to make sure that he knew they weren't for Windows ... so this way he doesn't spend 1000 hours looking for them on :-P

[sidenote] When I had my linux box up, I *gasp* didn't have it firewalled at all. It was behind an XP machine running WinGate which was behind the Windows XP built-in firewall which was behind my linksys switch. I am the only user of my home network. However, I would like to say that I DO NOT recommend this at all. I was just lazy.[/sidenote]

thanx fo your replys.
I guess I should of said I am running win2k for an OS.

just wondering?
(i know i'm piggy backing) but would any one recomend using a linux box settup as a firewall only with only a local login? or is it still better to use a solid box of tricks like a watchgaurd or a sonicwall?


You can use any Linux distro as your firewall if you take the time to configure it properly, or you can download any number of "boot-off-the-CD" firewall distros, which don't take as much time to configure.

As far as logins, I'd suggest only having one user account (besides root) with a password that's difficult to crack. Something like yO!*8034g7 isn't very common.

As far as cost, it's up to you if you want to spend a few hundred bucks (an up) to protect your data, or if you feel comfortable enough doing it yourself using Linux/UNIX. If you build your own box, you can add your own "bag of tricks" by adding nmap, snort, tripwire, and a dozen other utilities for intrusion detection/auditing/etc.

Sygate is free & very good.

Member Avatar for TKSS

thanx fo your replys.
I guess I should of said I am running win2k for an OS.

Sygate always worked for me in the past. I liked its interface and I had my buddy test it out for me. It blocked every attack he threw at me from his linux box. So, I liked Sygate quite a bit...try it and see what you think. it's available on

Member Avatar for TKSS

just wondering?
(i know i'm piggy backing) but would any one recomend using a linux box settup as a firewall only with only a local login? or is it still better to use a solid box of tricks like a watchgaurd or a sonicwall?


If I were to install anything for JUST a firewall...I'd go with

It takes about 10 minutes to install...5 minutes to configure...comes with a good manual and online help. Very active forum. You can be up and running in about 20 minutes.

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