I have a Linksys WRT54G hanging off a ethernet lan to provide laptop connectivity. The internet access is via a Asus Modem/Router which is linked to the PCs and Linksys via a planet hub.

Things had been running smoothly then the laptop lost connectivity to the Linsys. I powered verything down and back up and now I can connect through the Linksys to the LAN but can't get internet access or a ping outside the modem. All the ethernet stuff is running fine with internet access.

Something must be blocking the return signals somewhere. Any suggestions??

try checking the MTU number and ensure that its corresponding with wahtever your ISP or linksys gave you.

can you successfulluy ping the modem? have you tried to ping a websites IP address or a website itself?

try checking the MTU number and ensure that its corresponding with wahtever your ISP or linksys gave you.

can you successfulluy ping the modem? have you tried to ping a websites IP address or a website itself?

I've looked into this a little further and whats happening is I have a Asus ADSL modem/router ( connected to a planet hub. The hub has two ethernet wired PC's hanging off it and the Linksys wireless router. The laptop connects wirelessly to the Linksys. The PC's can get good internet access but the laptop can't. The reason is ( I think ) that the Linksys is also set up to and as a DHCP server. I thought I could ping the Asus modem/router from the laptop but I now see I was justing ping the Linksys.

I effectively have two DHCP servers ( the Asus and the Linksys) and they both have the same IP. What I can't figure out is how to change the Linksys to act just as an access point not as a router. Is there a good link somewhere which explains this?

Also curiously enough this configuration seemed to work fine for a month but now won't. I can't see how it would have worked at all?

me neither. try disabling one of the DHCP servers (the one directly associated with the laptop) you should be able to do this with the products software setup disc. it looks like the two DHCP servers are arguing.

another way to change the way things work is to go into CMD (command prompt) on the laptop and type the following


im not promising that this will work however.

also theres something else i cannot undestand... why have you got two modem routers enabled in your network??? when i set up my network (3 PCs and a laptop) i purchased a belkin wired and wireless modem router. this gives you 4 ethernet ports and the option to add more machines via the wireless option provided i have a wireless receiver connected to any one of the machines. i will send you a diagram if you wish me to. just let me know.

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