Hi! I've been working on this computer for quite some time now and I am trying to figuer out a way to fix this.

I currently have an existing network with 9 computers running Windows XP Pro. I wanted to add another PC which is runing Windows 98SE. The problem is after running netsetup on the 98 computer (which is included in my Windows XP cd) the internet works fine but I cannot access my LAN.

I tried setting the IP manually. Now the LAN works but the internet cannot be accessed. If i change it to automatic again it would let me surf the net but would not let me access the LAN again.

What should I do? Please help

are you sharing the internet of a server or a computer? If you sharing the internet of a computer and controling the network from there. You may run into a problem call "master browser" - you can not have two computers been master browser that will create a conflic - they cancel eachother. Please explain how did you configure the network?

are you sharing the internet of a server or a computer? If you sharing the internet of a computer and controling the network from there. You may run into a problem call "master browser" - you can not have two computers been master browser that will create a conflic - they cancel eachother. Please explain how did you configure the network?

For the 9 computers which are running XP it is connected to a switch. The switch port #1 is connected to my broadband router. switch port 2 onwards are for the client pc's. All of the 9 computers were configured using windows XP's built in network setup wizard. The 98SE computer has been configured the same way I inserted the netsetup disk which XP provided.

Is there anything wrong with my current setup? What is this master browser? I see it in my 98SE network configuration.


when you are sharing internet from a compter to a network that computer becomes the master browser. I'm pretty sure if you cancel that services on your windows 98 your network will understand that - that computer is not sharing internet and it is not the master browser. I have not used windows 98 in a long time - if I were you I would reconfigure the network connection in that machine withouth using a wizard.

Hmm.. I don't get it. Which computer should i set as the master browser? I mean, all my computers connect directly to the router.

you have a peer2peer network, no computer should be a master browser that is only use when you are sharing internet of a computer or running a web intranet (IIS). Also check your gateway. They all got to go to same place. Also try to ping computers among the network while you are able to connect to the internet.

Hi Psyrick,
I recommend u to set IP: 192.168.0.X and subnet mask : on all PC in your LAN (include ur router). Check it ;)

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