freemanirl 0 Newbie Poster


So, I've got about dozen computers or so at home on an active directory network. I do this because the young ones around the house have a tendency to hose computers and its very nice to have everyones documents and whatnot stored on a mirrored volume. The kids only get a couple of workstations that they are allowed access too, namely the ones in their rooms. I want to be able to cut internet access to those computer after a certain period of time. I've got time restrictions in place for login times and screen saver authentication, but the oldest has become wiser and found a program to move her mouse ever so often. Essentially, there is nothing in place keeping them from hopping back on the computers after I've gone to bed.
I've played with some stuff installed locally on the computers, but I'd really like to have something on the domain server so I don't have to change a bunch of stuff on a bunch of computers if I decide that they can stay on longer over the summer. I've even tried installing a second networking adapter to create another physical subnet that I would kill through a scheduled task every night at 10 and bring back up at 6. This seemed like a great solution, but I can't seem to get ICS to share on two separate connections on server 2008.
So, I've come here to see if anyone had any ideas. These kids are getting smarter, and I fear an uprising! :P

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