I use my laptop Wireless to connect to an unsecured Wireless network offering free access and the wireless shows I am connected. When I try to open a web site using Firefox I get message "page cannot be opened". The Wireless works OK with secure networks where I have the password and has worked many times before with unsecure networks but has suddenly stopped working. I Hvae tried my Kasperski security settings and windows firewall but no change.

Can you ping either an IP address or site once connected? (i.e. ping or ping google.com) What OS are you running and have you tried "repair" on network connection after connecting? Some free connection sites require you to connect to their main page and accept their terms before you can surf.

Thank you for your reply.

I was unable to ping as I had no connection to the network.

I am using Windows XP prof. which has recently been updated using the Microsoft update service. I wonder if the update is the cause of the problem.

I have tried "repair" but got the message that the connection could not be repaired because a cache could not be cleared (regret to say that I did not note the letters which designate which cache it was). This despite the fact that the Wireless network shows that I an "connected".

In the past I have made connection to up to four different unsecure networks with no problems. One of the sites (BTFON) does require me to lod-in on the opening page but that page does not load so I cannot log-in. I just get the browser message that the page will not load. The symptoms are the same as if there is no connection to the wireless network yet I am connected.


Ok then are you getting an address assigned to your wireless adapter? If you enter the following from a command prompt what do you get?


If your network card is assigned an address then does it have a gateway?
See if you can ping the gateway.

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