So I got problems with my internet connection. On same router are connected IPTV, my internet and phone.

Sometimes connection drops all the time in taskbar it shows me this:

When i try to repair it says:

Windows could not finish repairing the problem becasue the following action cannot be completed:
Renewing your IP adress

For assistance, contact the person who manages your network.

Also, in same time drop IPTV and after 1 minute i can connect to internet/watch TV..
I don't care about TV lol I just want to fix my internet :/


Try resetting your modem and router. See whether it helps

Try resetting the router/modem as royng said, else sometimes Windows itself cannot register itself with the network, in that case restart the pc.

If my advise does not work, backup all your stuff on a hard disk and reinstall your computer. Sometimes it has to do with your computer problem. Try upgrading your computer version and see whethers it works. Does it work with other objects, maybe another computer or your phone

If my advise does not work, backup all your stuff on a hard disk and reinstall your computer. Sometimes it has to do with your computer problem. Try upgrading your computer version and see whethers it works. Does it work with other objects, maybe another computer or your phone

OOOOH! That is drastic.
There is a Winsocket fix d/l available and othe command prompt tools mainly thru Netsh.
Looks like you are using Win XP. I have to recommend doing a search for Limited or no connectivity that should give you step by step methods to correct the problem.
The advice to Power reset the router (pull power plug for 15 secs) and restart the PC igood and should work.


You should try to establish where the problem is. Try contacting your router when this problem happens, try pinging your router. Then try pinging outside of your network;

Who is your ISP? sometimes IP addresses aren't renewed correctly and you get given an invalid IP until you get a valid one, usually by resetting your router.

Have you another router to try?

- Let us know how it goes.

I agreed with Xlphos. How many routers do you have at home. Does your interntet connection work with other router if you even have one. Sometimes, you might have different IP addresses, this is very common as long you can connect to the internet. Have you reset your modem and router, like i said before. do that first

I had some friends who had problem with their router, it was a filter or something which dropped their connection suddenly and corrupted their downloads as well. They had to finally buy and replace the router.

Sometimes when the internet connection is very lag and slow, the internet connection will suddenly dropped and you have to reconnect to the network. Changing a new router is the last option, if the problem could be solved. hooray to the person but if the internet connection is still down i recommend you too try any means to fix the problem. If you need the internet connection urgently, buy a new router

if it is into wireless connection could be caused by power management
otherwise check also some hardware related problems - for example wire and twisted pair problems

also check if this problem occur if only your computer is connected to the router

another issue could be that you have some download software which trigger some limitations of network transfer (for example maximum sessions accepted by router)

I agree with larieut though i am not so sure power management could have cause the problem. Do not anyhow download random stuft as it might harm your computer. The problem only occurred when he is connected to the router

try to update your LAN then, scan your PC possible it has a malware....

Update your lan just as benmar has said although i am not too sure a malware can caused the problem, no harm doing a scan and gave us your feedback soon.

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