We have a small office (6 stations) on Verizon FIOS Actiontec router. Last Friday, we had some internet slowness and an outage. For some reason the internal network was affected. The server became very slow to connect to and eventually we could not reach it. Printers could not be reached as well. I had to temporarily replace the Verizon router with a Linksys switch to restore the internal network. I reconnected the Verizon Actiontec router late in the day and all was well with it again by then. I don't understand why a problem outside of our network would affect the internal network.
Anyone have any ideas on this??

maybe the problem was with your router.internet does not effect your LAN i think.

That's what I thought. I can't see why it was affected, but it was. On that day, Verizons wireless cell network had some outages and crashes. The FIOS was also affected in our area. Some people lost interenet for a good part of the day. We still had internet, but it wasn't right. Our internal network became unusable, but when Verizon got their network sorted out, our internal network came back up and is still working fine as of today. The only thing I can think of is it could have been some kind of denial of service attack and we were bombarded with an overload of packetts. It's still a mystery though.

I once had also a problem that the wrong ip address was displayed I could fix it by running winsockfix. After that BitDefender detected the correct gateway. You can download from softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Network...inSockFix.shtml or just google it and u may find.
It will not harm your system. I gave u this solution on my understanding skill to understand your problem plz let me know if it not related to your problem.. thank you

DOS attacks are picking up these days. After the Sony PS3 highlight, its been on the prowl.

Try doing a virus scan to check whether virus might be pass over the network. Turn on the firewall and block crappy stuff. You know those that might contain virus. Just take some precautions. I am still analysing your problme, my school also have this problem and the school IT teachers found it was someone sending a virus over the network that messed up the firewall system

Try doing a virus scan to check whether virus might be pass over the network. Turn on the firewall and block crappy stuff. You know those that might contain virus. Just take some precautions. I am still analysing your problme, my school also have this problem and the school IT teachers found it was someone sending a virus over the network that messed up the firewall system

You might be on to something there. The next day I found and deleted a virus on one machine. It turned out to be a fake alert type. I ran a virus scan in safe mode and pulled it out of the internet cache folder and a runDLL in the sys32 folder. Everything has been fine since.

Try having a firewall to protect the internet and keep your workers or colleages away from harmful websites. You must be careful cause some virus is not actually a virus while some does not seem like a viurs is actually one. My friends had created a virus but is harmless. When you download the file, the file will auto run a program so that your anti virus software will quickly open and detect the file as harmful but actaully is harmless. Try to block out harmful sites that can secretly download files to your laptop and you may never know. Do a scan daily if your company is large and have a lot of workers.

Yes, this is true. Thanks for the suggestions!!

You are welcome, is there any problems. I am willing to help. If not can you please mark this thread as solve. Thanks. Hehe

I never know about any internal network more then that its connected via hub everywhere

commented: Useless -2
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