I am not a techie but some people ask me to do things anyway, so please bear with me.

As an example let's say that the main part of a website resides on a third-party server but there are links within some of the pages that refer to an hard-coded address pointing to a static IP (assigned by ISP) hosted on a private local machine.

This is all well and good with the router at the private location, using port-forwarding, etc. But what if someone using a wireless laptop signs on to the domain from within the LAN of that router? Then the hard-coded address points to the WAN of the router...this does not work. The router requires use of a local subnet address.

Please note that the static IP address is not associated with a domain name and may not ever be.

The router is a NETGEAR MR814v2 attached to the Internet via a Paradyne ADSL modem setup as a bridge.

I would have thought that this situation would not be particularly unique and that there may even be a "name" for such a router "feature". Again, I'm not a networking person so this could all be bogus anyway.


I'm not fully understanding your concern.

Are you afraid that if another machine connects to your router, that the port forwarding needed for your private server will point to it rather than the intended machine? This is possible, but you can prevent it from happening. You will want to make sure that only the machine that you use as a private server can be assigned the IP address that the port is being forwarded to. This feature is called "Address Reservation" on your router. You will need to put in the IP address you want to use for that machine, the MAC address of the machine (you can find this in the Attached Devices menu), and click apply. After you set that up, reboot your private server machine just to make sure that everything works properly.

The port-forwarding is working OK from outside the LAN. Inside the LAN it seems to be working except that it is verrrrrrrrrrry slooooooooooooow. The router manufacturer (NETGEAR) claims that it cannot be done at all. I am fairly certain that the problem originates within the router itself, and not either the WAN interface (ADSL modem) or the domain server within the LAN.

I could be wrong but this seems to be a common application, at least for me. If I set up any kind of a server service I always test it both inside and outside of its LAN. In other words I attempt to address the service with both the local IP (192.168.......) and its Internet equivalent which in this case is a static IP assigned by the ISP (becoming the router WAN address).

Most of the time I would like for the results to be the same. That way I can hard-code the Internet-based static IP address into applications (web, SQL, Access linked tables, etc.), and it would work regardless of where the client is.

I would like to know if this concept has a name in networking jargon. It seems similar to the concept of a "loopback" test.

I thank you for your help. As I said, I'm not a networking techie because that's not my line of work. But sometimes networking problems definitely affect my work.

What you are trying to do is fugly without the right hardware. The right hardware and configuration would be pricey.

The best shot at a "free" solution might be to write a line of code before the existing redirect, something like this:

IF client PC itself is a memeber of the "myinternaldomainnamehere" domain, THEN attempt redirect to insideIP/port#, ELSE goto outsideIP/port#

This will give your internal agents a very fast connection to that service avoiding all the loops and timeouts you are currently experiencing, as long as you can get it to work...

Hi , i am rahul and i am new to this forum. i have netgear router and since last two days the net is really slow so yesterday i resst the router and net went completely down. when u connect my yahoo dsl modem direclty to my desktop it works great but through my wireless router there is no network connection.it noly shows the packets transfer but i cannot surf the internet. plz help


Hi , i am rahul and i am new to this forum. i have netgear router and since last two days the net is really slow so yesterday i resst the router and net went completely down. when u connect my yahoo dsl modem direclty to my desktop it works great but through my wireless router there is no network connection.it noly shows the packets transfer but i cannot surf the internet. plz help


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