Just a little over a month ago we networked 3 computers using an Intelinet Wireless Router, which is also an AP. At the time we had no intention of using a laptop. However, my husband just got a good deal on a Dell C600 wireless. It is on the way from Texas. I believe there is a way to network this laptop with our existing wired network. Can someone tell me what is involved in doing this? A friend helped us configure the router and we are very new with this, so if you could keep it just as simple as possible I would appreciate it. Thanks.

...we networked 3 computers using an Intelinet Wireless Router...

It's quite possible that you'll be good-to-go right out of the box, if it's got the optional built-in ethernet connection (scroll down to "Figure 6" here), otherwise you'll need a PC Card Network Adapter (or, since you're using a wireless router, I'd get a wireless PC Card, which is probably cheaper now-a-days anyway).

It has the following installed: D-link wireless 802.11b/g card, D-link 10/100 card

It has the following installed: D-link wireless 802.11b/g card, D-link 10/100 card

Then, aside from some possible initial setup configuring, you should be good to go. Let us know how it goes & Good Luck!

My husband was really pleased to get the documentation you sent on this laptop and wanted me to thank you.

Tell him "You're Welcome!" :-D

You were absolutely right, I was fretting over nothing. We inserted the wireless card and we were up and running. Nothing to it. Thanks.

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