Hello all. My wireless router died and I had to purchase a new one this weekend and install. It works perfectly for my hardwired desktop and my desktop with a wireless card. However, my laptop which has integrated wireless is unable to connect successfully. It says it's connected and shows good signal strength, but I'm unable to access the internet. I have it setup to automatically assign ip address. It appears it's not getting the ip address assigned from the router.. instead of a 192.xxx ip address, it shows a 168.xx ip address. I tried hardcoding one but that doesn't work either. I previously had a Microsoft wireless router and the laptop worked fine with it. The new one is by Belkin. I have WEP 128bit encryption set up. Any ideas?

Since you referenced your pc as a laptop, rather than an iBook, G4, etc., I'll assume that you're running WinXP, but please confirm this or state otherwise. Open up a console window (Start/run/type "cmd" - w/o quote marks - & hit enter) and type "ipconfig" & hit enter; if the IP address is still a default (168.x.x.x) then type "ipconfig/renew" & hit enter; if you still get a default IP then type "cls" & hit enter & then type "ipconfig/all" & hit enter - it'll be a lot of info, but post everything that shows up.

Hello.. you are correct.. I'm running Windows XP Professional. Here's the requested info after typing ipconfig /all:
Windows IP Configuration:
Host name ..................
Primary Dns Suffix .........
Node Type .................. Unknown
IP Routing Enabled ......... No
WINS Proxy Enabled ......... No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Description ................ Intel(R) PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter
Connection-specific DNS suffix ...
Physical address ........... 00-0C-F1-3A-97-89
Dhcp Enabled ............... Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled .. Yes
IP Address .................
Subnet mask ................
Default gateway ............
DHCP server ................
DNS servers ................

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State....... Media disconnected
Description....... Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Conection
Physical Address.. 00-0D-60-B1-24-E4

Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network:
Media State....... Media disconnected
Description....... Bluetooth LAN Access Server Drive
Physical Address.. 00-20-E0-76-40-E3

Ehternet adapter AGN Virtual Network Adapter:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix..
Description..................... 00-00-00-00-00-01
Dhcp Enable..................... No
IP Address......................
Subnet Mask.....................
Default Gateway.................

When I go into diagnostic tools and click the IP Config tab, you have the option of clicking (1)IP Config, (2) Renew IP, (3) Release IP. When I select options 2 and 3, it fails. When I select option 1, I get the following:

Description ................ Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection
Connection-specific DNS suffix ...
Physical address ........... 00-0D-60-B1-24-E4
IP Address .................
Subnet mask ................
Default gateway ............
DHCP server ................
DNS servers ................

Description ................ Intel(R) PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PC Adapter
Connection-specific DNS suffix ...
Physical address ........... 00-0C-F1-3A-97-89
IP Address .................
Subnet mask ................
Default gateway ............
DHCP server ................
DNS servers ................

Sorry I haven't replied sooner - I've come down with the flu. It's unlikely, but your router may not be confirmed to assign IP address. As a double check do the same ipconfig/all on one of your hardwired pc's and see if the line that says "Autoconfiguration Enabled" also says "Yes". Also, the wireless card itself may not be enabled. On my Toshiba there's an external switch to enable a wireless connection, even though the wireless card is integrated into the system. Another item is to redo the "ipconfig/renew" command and post whatever error message you receive.

Hello all. My wireless router died and I had to purchase a new one this weekend and install. It works perfectly for my hardwired desktop and my desktop with a wireless card. However, my laptop which has integrated wireless is unable to connect successfully. It says it's connected and shows good signal strength, but I'm unable to access the internet. I have it setup to automatically assign ip address. It appears it's not getting the ip address assigned from the router.. instead of a 192.xxx ip address, it shows a 168.xx ip address. I tried hardcoding one but that doesn't work either. I previously had a Microsoft wireless router and the laptop worked fine with it. The new one is by Belkin. I have WEP 128bit encryption set up. Any ideas?

hi you have to renew you`r new ip address on the new routear

I have the same problems with my Fujitsu Siemens (FSC) Laptop with Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 3B PCI Miniadapter.

At home I have an Asus WLAN Router set up as an access-point, without DHCP. This router is connected to another router (not WLAN) that provides the DHCP-service. When I uses no password-protection it works OK. But when I activate WEP, it will not receive the IP-address anymore.

One other place I sometimes work with my Laptop, I have the same problem. At this place I can not turn off the password-protection. But if I use an USB WLAN-adapter it works OK.

A third place I use the Laptop, it works OK with WEP-protection too.

Due to some problems a couple of months ago I’ve installed Intel’s drivers instead of FSC’s drivers. But I did not test WEP at home, or this other place prior to the change of drivers...

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