hello can I extend my wifi antenna range by extending the antenna to outside?

hello can I extend my wifi antenna range by extending the antenna to outside?

are you looking to hook an antenna to you wireless router so you can go farther out in your yard with lets say a laptop,if no ,please explain exactly what you want to do ,it will make a difference what you need to use

I can't get a good signal canot connect

I can't get a good signal canot connect

thats still not telling me enough ,a good signal from where


no,you have to have a internet service provider ,correct ,with a modem ,hooked to a wireless router ,and you connect to that with a wireless device in a laptop or desktop computer ,,so why do you need to put an anti out side to get better signal ,inside ,

or are you trying to steal/borrow a signal from a neighbor

@ caperjack

Lol, I like your last statement.

@ glimmerman

If you want to enhance your wifi signal there are multiple ways to do it besides what caperjack mention. That's the common method but here are the rest

1) You can change your wireless channel to either 1 or 11, by default most router are automatically configure with 6 channels.

2) Add a wireless repeater

3) Change your router antenna. Most router's antenna can only broadcast the signal to a certain distance, changing it can let you connect to the network further away from the router.

@ caperjack

1) You can change your wireless channel to either 1 or 11, by default most router are automatically configure with 6 channels.

2) Add a wireless repeater

3) Change your router antenna. Most router's antenna can only broadcast the signal to a certain distance, changing it can let you connect to the network further away from the router.

Well, what jingda said doesn't really answer your question either, and this is why...

method 1 - change your wireless signal to channel 1 or 11... all this will do is change the frequency of the signal so there is potentially (but not guaranteed) less signal loss.

method 2 - add a wireless repeater... this will just extend the range of the signal, but not increase signal strength.

method 3 - change your router antenna... that is an alternative to method 2, but as mentioned above, that will not increase the signal strength.

what I would suggest is you keep everything exactly how it is now, but try simple and very cost effective methods of improving signal strength, such as wrapping the antenna in foil. You will be able to find such methods by searching in Google.

Hope that helps. :)

If you read the OP's post clearly, he just want to extend the range. Method 1 and 2 that I suggested does just that except for method 3 which you get it right. You might want to do an experiment with the wireless channel. Changing the channel allow me to connect to my home network even when I am at my neighbour's house even though the signal is weak.

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