I'm workin on my network class final project I've done 6 ,but I didn't understand the other 3 questions
here are the questions:
1) Create a document that could be given to a potential cabling contractor to allow for a quotation
for cable installation.

2) You should define the cable types required, lengths (estimate), the sockets and connectors required. Explain why you have chosen each type of cable (speed, maintenance, lifespan, ROI, expandability).

3) Since patch cables will be required, should these be constructed on site or bought “ready-made”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of

can you please explain the questions? and how to do it

thank you in advance

Without being in your class or seeing the entire final project requirements, here is some basic info to help you out...

1) When working with a cabling contractor, they first need some basic information about the job. For example, floor plans. Where is the cabling being run? some buildings have a false ceiling, while others have a raised floor, some have both. The contractor will need to know details about the electrical wiring so that cables will be not be run on top of electrical or even water pipes.

2) How many runs are needed from the closet to the cubicles? distance between closet and cubicles. types of sockets? If you are running a typical ethernet network, you'll need to specify that you want CAT-5 if you are running 100 mb connections, or CAT-6 if you plan on running GB to the cubicles. You may not need CAT6 right now, but you may need in the future. CAT6 is good for GB, but also 100 mb. In a few years you may need GB to the desktop so you arent going to re-run all that cable. You may run CAT6 now and spend a little more because you will have expandability. For CAT5/6 cables, you will need RJ-45 connectors. Any video, possibly...may need some RG-59? Do you need to run Fiber to the cubicles for any reason, include that as well.

3) Patch cables can either be made if, or bought ready made. Patch cables are used to plug the computer into the wall socket, or even in the closet between patch panel and switches. patch cables are arleady ready to go and pretested. they are more costly than buildign your own patch cables. You can save some money if you have a lot of pacth cables to build, but then you run the risk of bad cables. A cost benefit analyis has to be done to see the differences. there is no right or wrong here, it depends on time, money and risk for your project.

Question 2 is asking the cable types. Today it's Cat5 and up, everything else usually isn't used anymore. As for connectors most common is RJ-45 as the person above stated, and for video it's RG-59's. For 3 it depends on time, if you have time you can do them yourself, and if you are on a budget. If you have to get it done and have ample money to spend, you can buy them yourself.

My 2 cents on #3... homemade cables will always have a much higher chance of errors then pre-fab'd cables. Plus since plre-fab cables can be had fow a few dollars, it usually makes more sence to buy them premade than to have you $50 per hour person sit there and make a bunch.

A handful of cables, maybe.

100 cables, buy them prefabbed.

For Question #1 don't forget to include the points at the other end i.e. do you want floor mounted sockets? or Wall mounted? Where do you want them in relation to each desk? how many sockets should each person get? E.g. one point for data and another for the phone or a single socket?

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