Hey guys

If someone could help me with the following problem it would be really appreciated.

Its as follows. There are two computers, one router (Linksys WRT54GL), and a wireless usb attena. The one computer is connected directly through ethernet and the other wireless.

What happens is my internet stops working and to get it too work i have to restart the router and the cable modem. This doesnt last for long and then my internet goes down. If i try and connect with the passkey it eventually says limited or no connectivity. It couldn't assign a network address.

I thought it was my cable modem, but i came to find out that it actually isn't when i got another one. Ive tried replacing the ethernet cable connected to the modem and the router. No luck. Ive disabled bitdefender, no luck. Ive also checked both computers. Sometimes the one cnnected through ethernet works and sometimes it doesnt. This is very weird.

I dont know what to do in this situation. Ive reset the router, ive also changed the wireless singnal. It actually worked for a while and then it gave me the same error.

Does anyone have ideas?


Man, I cant tell you how many of us here have linksys problems. We idiots? It really frustrates me to set up my linksys. So all I can say man, is join the club. Like you, I am hoping some smart guy here comes to my rescue, cause apparently, linksys technical support can't.

Im also hoping so. I have lost my patience with this problem. It irritates me that i have a 24 hour connection that i cant use properly. I have had this problem for long enough. I therefore decided to try my luck on a forum.

Lets c what happens.

I have a similar router (WRT54GS v4) and have been very happy with it. All networking devices have their quirks, you just have to learn what ones your device has and how to fix it or work around it. If you are looking for more info about your router, you will be interested to know that your router is the same router as the WRT54G v4 with a different name.

The main known issue with the WRT54Gs is that they often choke when there are a large number of active connections. This often occurs if you use p2p software like BitTorrent but also occurs with other software.

The first thing you will want to do is upgrade to the latest Linksys firmware and see if that helps take care of your stability issues. If it doesn't, you have to option of running a third-party firmware like DD-WRT, which is what I run. The third-party firmwares give you more options when configuring your router.

Even though I have yet to understand the reason for this, I have found that my router got more stable after a few days of running. Mine had a few hiccups for the first week of running but has been rock solid since.

Thanks. Ill give that a try and see if it helps. I do use p2p so that could be the problem. I will post the results after.


Good advice Chris, I've also seen various Linksys devices choke on certain applications. I remember one specifically where my router would barf and choke every time I tried to use Windows Messenger...a firmware update for the Linksys fixed that problem.

Hey guys

If someone could help me with the following problem it would be really appreciated.

Its as follows. There are two computers, one router (Linksys WRT54GL), and a wireless usb attena. The one computer is connected directly through ethernet and the other wireless.

What happens is my internet stops working and to get it too work i have to restart the router and the cable modem. This doesnt last for long and then my internet goes down. If i try and connect with the passkey it eventually says limited or no connectivity. It couldn't assign a network address.

I thought it was my cable modem, but i came to find out that it actually isn't when i got another one. Ive tried replacing the ethernet cable connected to the modem and the router. No luck. Ive disabled bitdefender, no luck. Ive also checked both computers. Sometimes the one cnnected through ethernet works and sometimes it doesnt. This is very weird.

I dont know what to do in this situation. Ive reset the router, ive also changed the wireless singnal. It actually worked for a while and then it gave me the same error.

Does anyone have ideas?


sorry don't have any answers but joined specifically with the same problem. I have netgear wireless router . I have it cabled to my main computer and it works perfectly but on my laptop i get disconnected from internet every 10 mins or so !! Any solution suggestions????

thanks in anticipation

sorry don't have any answers but joined specifically with the same problem. I have netgear wireless router . I have it cabled to my main computer and it works perfectly but on my laptop i get disconnected from internet every 10 mins or so !! Any solution suggestions????

thanks in anticipation


Please start your own thread. Even though your problems sound similar, I believe them to be very different. If you start your own thread, we can better focus on the different problems faced in your situation.

wow, after getting a friend to setup and configure my linksys WRT54G router, this same thing happened to me!

Lemme read on the suggestions...

I'll post what I can to help you one I get my IT friend to work on this!

I have a similar router (WRT54GS v4) and have been very happy with it. All networking devices have their quirks, you just have to learn what ones your device has and how to fix it or work around it. If you are looking for more info about your router, you will be interested to know that your router is the same router as the WRT54G v4 with a different name.

The main known issue with the WRT54Gs is that they often choke when there are a large number of active connections. This often occurs if you use p2p software like BitTorrent but also occurs with other software.

The first thing you will want to do is upgrade to the latest Linksys firmware and see if that helps take care of your stability issues. If it doesn't, you have to option of running a third-party firmware like DD-WRT, which is what I run. The third-party firmwares give you more options when configuring your router.

Even though I have yet to understand the reason for this, I have found that my router got more stable after a few days of running. Mine had a few hiccups for the first week of running but has been rock solid since.

hiccups? mine seems to be throwing fits and tantrums!
I have a WRT54G v 5. I wonder if that is the same as what you said. Well, ok, so it is his first week of operation in my home. I'll give it another chance before I send it to the incinerator.

All I did was disable WEP in the router and wireless card and boom connection is back

All I did was disable WEP in the router and wireless card and boom connection is back

That's not a fix, that's avoiding an issue. By disabling WEP, you are removing a very necessary component for securing your network. If you don't use WEP, WPA, or similar protocol to secure your communications, your data is wide open for people to snoop on. Furthermore, if you don't provide another means of prohibiting network access, anyone can join your network in order to leach bandwidth or access networked systems.

I urge anyone that runs an unsecured network to secure it immediately. It's only a matter of time before unsecured networks will become prime targets for all sorts of attacks.

Well, can i join the club as well of "limited or no connectivity" i been everywhere looking for the solution to fix this, but i do know one thing, it may sound odd but it seems to my case, when i start my computer, everything is fine until i load up MSN, then check my email, that immediately kicks me off the internet leaving me to start my computer up again for it to work. But if i dont use MSN immediately everything is fine and i have connected for hours, whether or not its a coincidence , whos knows but it happens for me!!

Have you all updated your routers with the latest firmware there could be a fix for the problem! If you call Linksys that is the first thing they will ask. :!:
I have experienced similar problems but they are normally due to the lack of, or faulty microfilters. Have you got microfilters installed on your line?:?:

I have been struggling with this problem for a long time now. on the first maching this happened to had onboard lan and I would format and it would work correctly for a while then fail again. so I put a linksys card in and has been working fine ever since. now I am left with yet another machine doing the same thing but already has a linksys card. I dont think it has anything to do with your routers, net. cards. although routers do tend to shut down making connection impossible unless setting your network card to 10mbps half duplex. but other than that I think we should all thank microsoft for this misery. I dont think I have ever heard of this happening on linux

may be the isp. i got ntl and the dns / dhcp server dies al the time

may be the isp. i got ntl and the dns / dhcp server dies al the time

I just started getting this same problem, and found it not to be the ISP. I actually have almost the same setup. The linksys wireless router (same Model) and a hardwired PC and my wireless laptop. What I have found out so far is that If your running XP, it is a known issue with SP2. I downloaded a patch that was supposed to address the issue, but it didn't work. I still got the message after applying the patch. Supposedly it has to do with loopback address and the way SP2 handles this with networks using DHCP and WPA or WEP security. If I leave my security disabled for wireless, I have no issues. Was going to see what happened if I rolled back to SP1, but my XP media Center came with SP2 already, and didn't see a place for it to be removed. In short, from what I have gathered so far, if you have XP and SP2 and are using secured wireless, you'll run into this problem. MS has yet to fix the issue. I'm just going back to Win2k until they sort this out.:idea:

So this may be a little too late for the people that posted beforehand, but for anyone still having trouble with limited or no connectivity in their wireless network using a Linksys Wireless Router, this may be the solution you need.

I have a Linksys Router WRT54GS v4 connected to Cox's Surfboard Modem and wired to a desktop. That connection worked perfectly the moment it was made, but my laptop kept saying it had limited or no connectivity when it connected to the wireless network. Using the downloaded EasySetup Assistant and other methods didn't work, and the computer still couldn't get the IP Address from the network. What I did was call technical support (I know, yuck) and after 15 minutes (10 on hold, 5 on the computer) on the phone with a tech, had it running perfectly.

The problem with this connection has to do with the firewalls on your computer. Too many firewalls activated affects your computer's performance, and even just one or two can affect the network. What you need to do is disconnect from the network and delete any network profiles (now you will have to manually enter the encryption key in order to connect). Then go through your computer and turn off the Windows Firewall. I did this by right-clicking on the Local Area Connection icon on the taskbar and selected "Change Windows Firewall Settings". Then go through and turn off others such as PC-Cillian or McAfee. This will only be temporary, so don't worry about your computer's protection. Then connect to your wireless internet, enter the encryption key, and test the internet. If this doesn't work, then you might have other problems. If it does, congrats, this mess is over! Just turn the firewalls back on (unless they create additional trouble). The tech said it wouldn't do any harm if they are off, not to mention your router still has an active firewall.

Hope this method helps you guys. If you have any questions, just send me a message. Good luck!

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