
I am having a network connection problem. I have one file server (shared several folders) and many other computers connected to the same server.

The problem repeatedly a few computer unable to connect to the file server. Unable to few the shared file. I have to restart the server in order to fix the problem. Yet this is not a good idea since so many people conencted to the server.

Any other solution to fix the problem?

You first need to determine the cause of the problem regarding this file server. When computers are unable to connect, what is happending with this file server? Is it hung, responsive, network card active? are you able to PING it?

only a few computer unable to connect to it during a certain time. The file server is fine and still active. I don't know if I am able to ping to it or not, I usually just try to restart the computer which unable to connect to it. I am looking for another solution to fix the problem in case it happens again.

The solution is going to depend on the problem. I think you'll need to perform some more detailed troubleshooting so that you can scope this problem correctly. It would be helpful to know if you are loosing connectivity to the server, or connectivity to the network service during this time.

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