My uncle is currently in a VA hospital and looks to be there for many weeks. He has a wireless laptop,but can not get a signal strong enough to allow him to do anything. Is there any sort of signal booster we can get to help this? Thanks!

you could get a stronger router or a repeater. For the laptop depending on the card you have there are antenna extenders.

Does the wireless laptop use a Mini-PCI card for the WIFI adapter? If so, there might be an aux connector on the card, but then you would need a Hirose connector and an external antenna. I am suprosed they let WIFI lappys into the VA, they used to say that stuff interfered with the telemettry equipment they used there.

Boost wireless laptop incoming signal

I need to boost the incoming signal for my wireles laptop. Is there anything I ca do?

I know you can go to staples and buy a signal booster and it does work but after a couple of days I thinnk they blocked me. It cost 100 dollars and if you are the owner to the network then I would buy it but for me I live in a RV park and it got blocked after 3-4 days. If anyone else might have another way to do it let me know I have my wifi built into my computer and I get a weak signal and my wife has the same laptop and she can't get online.

If its a built in (a.k.a hidden) card it probably has a weak signal. Buying one of those PCMIA cards with the big fold out ariels might give you a better reception?

If its a built in (a.k.a hidden) card it probably has a weak signal. Buying one of those PCMIA cards with the big fold out ariels might give you a better reception?

yup, it's either this, or an external USB wifi adapter on a long cable, so you can play with where you stick the actual adapter with the antenna. Help a lot here when I install wifi in bomb shelters (we have those in every house here)

My uncle is currently in a VA hospital and looks to be there for many weeks. He has a wireless laptop,but can not get a signal strong enough to allow him to do anything. Is there any sort of signal booster we can get to help this? Thanks!

I have similar problem. Dad is housebound and I can't use my notebook when I'm there. Did you get any answers>

Updates, whether related to the router firmware or your computer’s network adapter are done to fix bugs, smoothen out performance and reliability, and maybe even add new features. It is always a good idea to stay up to date with the latest releases by either of these parties.This is really most effective way.

Don't waste your time with a cell phone. update fiemware or if it's in the same house reflect the wi-fi signal on the router (problam with that is it will limet the signal behind the refletor) otherwise use a usb wi-fi adaptor as few especially cheap laptops don't have pcmia and you can move it around like the other guy said. there's more stuff you can do but can't be bothered typing it righ now maybe if demand gets high enough i will

1. Right-click on the 'My Computer' icon on your computer and choose 'Properties'.
2. Click on the 'Hardware' tab and then click on the 'Device Manager'.
3. Now, find the 'Network Adapters' section and click on the little plus-sign to
the left.
4. Find your wireless network adapter and right-click on it and choose 'Properties'.
5. This is where things will get different depending on the brand of your laptop
and wireless card and which drivers you have installed. Browse through the
different tabs and look for settings such as 'Power Management' or 'Transmit
Power'. Adjust the settings to either disable the power management or increase
the amount of power used by the network card.
6. Now, test your wireless signal strength to see if you still have the same weak
wireless signal you had before. The chances are that you will notice an increased
wireless signal strength.

I'm about to rent a car and drive from Dallas Tex to Orlando Florida. I'm concerned that my internet card from
T-mobile will not work out there. I'm in New York now. Flying to Tex. then driving the rest. Should I get an internet Boaster? or what shall I do?

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