
I am trying to get Outlook 2007 to work on one account. At present three users have email accounts. Two are working properly. One is not. The not working account opens and then goes into a Not Responding state. It worked earlier in the day. The computer is a Dell 490 running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. There is also a problem with Word 2007 which won't open document files. Detect and Repair has been used and cannot find a fault either with Office or the PC.

Microsoft's Search for a solution option pops up when Outlook as a hung program is forced to close. Ufortunately, nothing happens. I don't even think that the data is sent to Microsoft and would like to check in the Event Viewer but don't know what to look for. At least if I can establish whether the service is being blocked I might be able find a solution.

This might be a red herring but the email account that hangs on opening belongs to a user that also has an Iphone which can receive and send emails. Could there be some sort of conflict?

"Could there be some sort of conflict?". Unlikely, but that may depend upon how they have configured their iPhone email client. Even if they have configured it to remove read messages from the server, it shouldn't interfere with the Outlook startup on the client Win7 machine. What about upgrading to Outlook 2010?

I had this problem once and it was caused by an Antivirus add-on. But, because you can access the other two accounts then it could be that one user's .pst file may be corrupted. Have a look at the measures set out here and see if that sorts out the problem.

If it doesn't, please let us know... and if it does, please let us know. :-)

thanks for that link BigPaw. I have not managed to get back to the PC yet.

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