I’ve been using my network for months and never actually noticed that one of the client PC's cannot "be pinged" (I only noticed recently because I can’t get “Network Lookout to work on that PC). I have also noticed that you cannot connect to shares on that particular PC, however you can ping other PCs on the network from it, and connect to their shares. I’ve checked all the obvious things such as ipconfig, DNS, and tried changing computer names. I also tried adding and removing it from a domain (I don’t know what this was supposed to achieve, but I was running out of ideas!)

I also noticed that group policies are not being applied to that particular PC, but im going to ignore that for the moment because I think that’s a server-side problem, but I mentioned it because it could possibly be related.

I’m sure there are thousands of ping related questions on daniweb but, If anyone could try suggesting what could be going on here I would greatly appreciate it as this has been puzzling me for some time.



Does anyone have an answer to this? I have a similar problem. I have two computers on our network that cannot be pinged, but they can connect to the Internet.

do you have any more information about your network?

Please supply the output (on computerA and computerB) for the following command in command prompt:

ipconfig /all

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