hello, i'm preparing for my ccna certification paper but i've faild to get the right materials to read in order for me to prepar for the paper. i would like you to suggest for me the best study materials for me to read/

If you are really interested in preparing for you CCNA, a good CCNA book is needed along with a Cisco router, or router simulation program.

In addition, there are exam simulators you can buy that will help you prepare for the exam.

I think if you try to "wing it" you'll have a more difficult time and you wont really be getting the maximum value out of this certification.

This is a great site -> http://www.9tut.com/

Also, I would reccommend downloading GNS3 or Packet Tracer. They are great simlulation tools for practicing configurations.

thanks for the link i'll try to get the router and some reading materials to help me .

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