Hello Guys,

I'm trying to create a custom login script for my Novell users. The script runs great if the end users PC is running Novell's client but it will not run if the end users PC is running Microsoft's "Client Service for Netware". It just goes back to the default script.

Will custom scripts not run on systems using Microsoft's client service for netware? Or am I missing something?

Thanks for the help...

You got it in one. CSNW is very very basic; if at all possible use the real thing.

You got it in one. CSNW is very very basic; if at all possible use the real thing.

++ Gummi

CSNW was engineered by MS back in the NW3.11 days, and therefore doesn't support many of the newer commands and syntax. Is there any reason you don't want to (or can't) install the NW client?

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