Hi I have a Windows 8 laptop and up until recently I haven't had any problems with it; it has connected to the internet fine. But then about two days ago, suddenly, it will show that it has full bars and is connected to the internet but when I try to use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, neither allows me to access webpages. I've tried using the Windows Troubleshooter but it doesn't seem to find anything wrong with my connection and when I do a ping test all 4 pings are sent/received. At first, the problem was just with my dorm's wifi but now my computer doesn't seem to be able to connect to the internet through any wifi router. Any thoughts as to what my problem is? Thanks!

If you can ping just fine the connection should be ok. Maybe it is an issue with your browsers? Do you have a local proxy enabled? That could cause not being able to access any outside websites. You can check by going to settings in your Chrome browser -> Change Proxy settings under the 'Network' heading -> Lan Settings. If that doesnt work you could always contact your local network support team!

setup time/date correct in computer...

ARe you pinging via IP address or hostname.

if IP, then you have basic connenctivity but have not tested resolution. Test with hostname.

if hostname, then resolution and connectivity are fine. Check for viral activity.

if you only tested IP, then check that your DNS servers are set correctly then ping www.google.com. If you get a reply them dns and ip routing are fine. I would check for proxy config or even virus like activity.

check your IP address and time setting with correct time zone according to your IP.
Or check your system's backup cell.

Check the date and time with correct time zone.and your computer system cell.

If your time and date is wrong, this could indicate a flat battery, so change it so it does not be perpetual problem.

yes strikeymate you are right.

they is a security setup on Internet explore you need to check it up if you must have set it up mistakely to block websites. there 4 sething on the security section just set it back default. and if you under a domain admin you need to contact your domain administrator for help may be it may have been blocked from active directory or domain level setup.

i think you have given some IP Address. Go to Internet Protocol Version 4 and Click on Obtain an IP address Automatically.

just type in the command promt: "ping www.google.com -t". if it works then you have a network.. try to uninstall your browser and re-install it again...or try to reconfigure your IP....or renew it....

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