hi everybody, i was wondering if tere is a tool to know my router's type or any info about it? i can't acces it's ip or configure it.
so how can i know it's type as it's not in my apartment.

hi everybody, i was wondering if tere is a tool to know my router's type...
it's not in my apartment.

Sounds to me like it isn't really your router. Are we "borrowing" Internet access, perhaps? :mrgreen:

i have this network connection with another 8 computers and i pay monthely for it, but i can't configur the router . it's not mine it's our router but they refuse to tell me how to configure it(they don't want any sharing program to run), we used to have a seepdtouch one, it was great but we changed it after it was corrupted with this strange router(all i know that it's a Dlink one but don't knoe anything about it) .
so please if anyone know just tell me.

If your connection to the router is wireless, there is a program called NetStumbler which will at least give you the SSIDs and MAC addresses of the wireless devices within its range. If you can sniff the MAC address you can at least determine the brand of router; if you can pull the SSID you might be able ot narrrow it down to a model range.

None of this will help much if the people who are controlling the router have changed the router's default settings, though.

it's not a wireless connection. and how to do these other things you say.

what exactly are you wanting to do when you connect to the route, lol :P

you said you've tried the web control?

i want to open some ports and enable the upnp so that limewire can run.:?:

But what you're trying to do is exactly what you said the people managing the router do not want you to do.

Basically, it sounds like:

1. You are paying a monthly fee to use someone else's service.
2. They do not want filesharing activity on their pipeline.
3. You are trying to find a way around that.

The upshot is this: Either you have rights to modify the router and Internet connection, or you don't. If you do, you need to talk to the others involved to see if you can resolve the issue. If you don't have rights to make changes to the service, we at this site can't help you do that.

ok thanks very much for this great help of this great forum.


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