Ok this is wierd. A friend of mine baught a new house and found an ethernet cable poking out of the wall. He doesnt know where it leads. However, it is definately connected to something and when i plug a device into it it gets assigned a DHCP adress

anyway, i got one of those cable trackers and we found it it goes into his cellar and then disapperrs under a wall

this is so wierd

do youi think its a broadband connection or something?

My guess would be that it's a router hidden somewhere that the original owners forgot somewhere. Have you tried entering its IP address into your web browser? And what range is the IP address that you get in? That might yield some hints.

If it's broadband, the connection probably won't last very long. Do you get Internet through that cable?

well i spoke to him again last night over msn. it gives an ip on the range 192.168.1.x and seems to be at

i found that if the power goes off, it goes off and we tracked the cable a a bit more and found it goes under the floor. We also found some more cables in other rooms connected to the same device. Im gonna go today afer college and lift some floorboards and poke around.

maybe someone had the bright idea of cabling thier houe with ethernet and hiding the router under the living room floor but forgot to take it with them (its my friend james's 1st house hes just baught it)

maybe someone had the bright idea of cabling thier houe with ethernet and hiding the router under the living room floor but forgot to take it with them

That's what I was thinking. Since it's in the 192.168.x.x range, it rules out being directly connected to a broadband modem. And a server would probably be too big, so it looks like your friend may have found a free router...

well we pulled up some of the floorboards

we found a router and tracked the cables from it and there was one that led into the loft so we looked and found a rackmount

so basically we now have a free router and afree racmount. problem solved

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