Hi all,

I am new to this forum and from what I have seen, you guys and girls are the ones that hopefully could help me out here.

My parents have 56k dial up internet access, no option for dsl, they just bought a laptop and want to use it on a wireless network. The main PC is running Win XP. The new laptop is running Win XP Home as well. The laptop has a wireless a/g card in it. I bought a DLINK WBR 1310, I believe, wireless router to try and get it to work but I'm not getting anywhere.

Can anyone help me out on what I need to get this to work properly. They currently use an internal modem to connect to the web.

Thanks in advance.


what you really need is to set up the main PC for ICS (internet connection sharing).
the typical way is for it to have an internet connection and a WiFi card set to ad-hoc mode so that the WiFi cards of the laptop and the PC get connected, letting the laptop access the internet using the PC as the gateway.

with the router and a dialup connection (the old school whistling modem thing, right?) what you can do is connect the PC to a LAN connection in the router, set it up for ICS, and use the router as the local hub, nothing else.

today's routers do not work with old dialup connections, they support dsl/cable

Thanks for the quick response.

As a networking newbie, these may sound like stupid questions;

So I need to buy a wifi card, which is just a wireless card for the main PC? Where do I set up the ad hoc mode? I'm not familiar with this term.

Next thing, do I need an external modem or can the PC internal be suffice?

Can the router I have will work then? you mention using the router and then todays routers dont work.

could you tell me what cables go where?

Sorry for all the questions, just not very network savvy...YET



Thanks for the quick response.

As a networking newbie, these may sound like stupid questions;

no prob :) everybody needs to start somewhere

So I need to buy a wifi card, which is just a wireless card for the main PC? Where do I set up the ad hoc mode? I'm not familiar with this term.

if you already bought the router, you don't really need the extra card. all you need is to make sure there is connectivity between the PC (connected to the router with a cable) and the laptop (connected with WiFi).

After that you need to set up ICS - http://www.homenethelp.com/ics/ics-install-netxp.asp
and after that set the laptop's gateway to the PC's IP and not the router's.

Next thing, do I need an external modem or can the PC internal be suffice?

any modem that can dial :)

Can the router I have will work then? you mention using the router and then todays routers dont work.

today's routers don't dial the old-style dialup connections. you will use your router as a network hub, just connecting the computers, nothing more.

could you tell me what cables go where?

just plug the PC to one of the router's LAN (not WAN) connectors.

Sorry for all the questions, just not very network savvy...YET

yet :)


So for the first part of your response, I run an ethernet cable from the PC ethernet connection to LAN1 on the router. Now how do I know if they are connected? Where would I find this out. Will it automatically detect it, or do I use the isntall CD that came with the router?

I tried set up the wireless connection at the laptop side, and following the win XP networking wireless connection icon, it asks for a flash drive to be put in, I have no idea why, but it wont let you do it otherwise. I didnt have one with me at the time of testing.

Dealing with this one step at a time, I'lls top here until this is working?



no prob :) everybody needs to start somewhere

if you already bought the router, you don't really need the extra card. all you need is to make sure there is connectivity between the PC (connected to the router with a cable) and the laptop (connected with WiFi).

After that you need to set up ICS - http://www.homenethelp.com/ics/ics-install-netxp.asp
and after that set the laptop's gateway to the PC's IP and not the router's.

any modem that can dial :)

today's routers don't dial the old-style dialup connections. you will use your router as a network hub, just connecting the computers, nothing more.

just plug the PC to one of the router's LAN (not WAN) connectors.

yet :)


the laptop does see the router now, but not sure how to get the internet working.


you have to read the ICS articles I've given you a few posts before

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