Hey everyone!

I'm planing to install wireless lan in high voltage area and was wondering what problems to expect.
How high voltage affects wireles?

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i dont think it would make a huge amount of difference. the main problem is with cordless phones

The EM fields might affect your network, causing interference.
But unless there are some strange harmonics, it shouldn't harm the network as much as your brain.

Do make sure you're even allowed to create that network though. Many facilities where work with high energy equipment is going on have very strict rules about introducing things into the area.

Get a frequency counter or a friends radio scanner and see what radio frequencies your getting. TEst it with a Field Strength meter.. or and AM Radio tuned to a weak channel .. do the test at different times .. My park district has and obs tower near if not under the PGE tower in the mountains... the only trouble I get is with AM radio reception ..you get and distinct buzzing and you have to move out a bit... It sucks during ball games. Wireless, Cellphone , UHFand any thing above .. Vhf 150 Mhz and above seems to work ... I get some interference on our vhf Low 39 mhz and CB 27 mhz equipment

Oh! and if you start feeling funny or your body parts glow .. Its a good thing to get out of their. In Northern Californa there's a couple of lawsuits pending and awarded where people wre living near High Voltage -Cancers, Unknown diseases... Definitely Bad Juju!!

Those lawsuits are frivolous, there's no scientific indication of any health issues resulting from the EM fields put out by transmission lines or cellphone towers.

But juries see themselves as the next possible group of people to sue the powercompany or telco and will not destroy their chances at a fat bank account by dismissing such claims.

i lived with a big pylon on one side of my house and a substation on the other throughout my childhood and it never did me any harm

The EM fields might affect your network, causing interference.
But unless there are some strange harmonics, it shouldn't harm the network as much as your brain.

Do make sure you're even allowed to create that network though. Many facilities where work with high energy equipment is going on have very strict rules about introducing things into the area.

The thing is that this wireless will belong to electricity company, and those lines belongs to them :cool:

apparetli..the courts a med wtnesses didn't see it that way. On new conxtuctio they are giving some dtace from these towers. hey you could make alot of money for civiktrial. you know you never can tell about energy ... years ago who would have thought about microwave cookkng food ... there were som accidents here with techs and engineers testing some microwave dishes at stanford and lockheed.

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