I have what is probably a very simple to fix problem.
I have a desktop running on windows xp home.
I have a new laptop running on windows vista.
They are connected with a netgear router.
My connection is fine, I can see my desktop on my laptop and vise versa. However when I click on my desktop icon on my laptop to access the files. It says computer is not accessible. and to contact the administrator for assitance well that's me. and I don't know how. I have checked the firewalls and I believe I have enabled everything and unblocked access because now I can see them. however obviously I have missed something. Any ideas what I should be specifically looking for? In simple terms please.
Thanks in advance for your help

have you got the file sharing enabled on either of the computers?

I know in vista if you don't have file sharing, you won't be able to see other comptuers, so you do have it on vista, most likeley.
Try pinging the computers, and tell us what happened.

I know in vista if you don't have file sharing, you won't be able to see other comptuers, so you do have it on vista, most likeley.
Try pinging the computers, and tell us what happened.

I have the same problem. XP home desktop and new Vista laptop. For me, I have tried everything. File sharing is on for both computers. I can ping for Vista laptop to XP home. But, not the other way around. On the Vista PC, I can see (when viewing all netword devices) the XP machine. But, I can't touch it. I have tried \\computer name to look at the XP. No luck.

I'm out of options. So, hopefully somebody can help both of us.

Are you using norton?

If so You MUST add the network you are on to your trusted networks inside of Norton.

Open Norton. -> Select the Norton Internet Security Tab. -> Select the Firewall Options link. -> Select Trust Control. Locate your network and add to trusted.

Should be able to see the other computers on your network.

Also go get this:


Read everything on that page before Downloading and installing.

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