I have a wireless router and a printer that doesn't have any place for an ethernet connection (I'm sure most printers don't). The printer connects to the computer using a USB port on the computer. Is there some type of cord I could buy that could connect from the printer to the router on the other end with an ethernet connection? This way I could use the printer wirelessly. Is there any way to get it to work?

>Is there some type of cord I could buy that could connect from the printer to the router on the other end with an
>ethernet connection?

Not really, you need some sort of server if you want the printer available on your network. The printers that have ethernet ports actually have a print server built into the guts of it.

If you want to share your printer over the network, you'll have to connect it to a computer and then enable "printer sharing".

Would it be possible if I got a new wireless router that had a USB connection on it?

they generally dont exist and if they do, the usb port is for modems

You might find printer servers from Netgear or DLink for round $100. There are also a couple of routers including USB printer outputs from the same and other mfrs at about the same cost.

Oh, thanks for the help, but that's a little too rich for my blood. But that helps. Now I won't look all over the internet for something that either doesn't exist or is expensive.

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