I have a home network that I set up myself. I go to my aunt's house, and they have a network.

I can hook up with their network, no problem.
BUt I just returned home and my network connection does not work. It is only the computer that I am on.
I did not change any settings when I went over there because the workgroup names are the same.


What is your definition of not working? You can't see a computer, what? Please elaborate when asking a question. If you can't see a computer, try going to Start>Run and type:

\\*name of another computer on the network goes here*

If that doesn't work, then try configuring the ip address of the machines to either 192.168.0.x or 10.1.0.x where x is a variable. Make sure all machines on the network follow the same format or else it wont work. Also, check to see that the network card/hub/peer network card light flashes, if not then it must be a hardware problem whether it be the cable, the card, the hub/switch, the peer computer etc.

You may want to try going into command prompt/dos and typing: ipconfig

this will let you know if you are on the network or not, if it doesn't work it's a hardware problem. If it works, try pinging another computer on the network.

Basically what I'm saying is, screw around until you get it. Did you change the workgroup of your computer while you were away? Are you on a domain? If my advice hasn't been helpful, post back with more info.



I guess I wasn't clear..
I have tried pinging the other computers, but there is nothing that is going through.
It is only one comptuer that is doing this. All the others can 'see' each other.


Do you have TCP/IP installed? How is it set up?

I have a DHCP server running here and my laptop gets its IP address from it. Perhaps you're running in to something simular.

How precisely, are you trying to connect from your home network to that of your Aunt? Across the Internet? You dial up directly to their house... what? Did it work before and now not or are you setting it up for the first time?

You misunderstand bentkey, whats happened is bluedos has taken the pc from his home network (it worked then) to his aunts house. He connects to the network at his aunts house, there are no problems or issues. He gets back to his house and he can't reconnect to his own Local area network. Bluedos, could you please give exact details of the problem. Is the light at the network card flashing etc. please answer the questions I've allready posted so we can give you further support.


Ahha, why yes I did Slade, thanks. Wonder how I missed it. In that case it is my guess bluedos82 picked up an IP address while there and now it's not compatible at home. Will time out eventually or can he can flush it.

my guess bluedos82 picked up an IP address while there and now it's not compatible at home. Will time out eventually or can he can flush it.

Assuming the computer is usning DHCP, that's quite possible. Release and renew the DHCP lease when connecting the computer to a different network:

Open a DOS box and issue the following command:

ipconfig /renew

Then do:

ipconfig /all

to see if you've obtained the proper IP/DNS/Gateway addresses.

Let me start over:
HOME: The network that I have only has 4 computers. They are all connected by a router. I am using DHCP for these computers. There was no problem when I left my house.

AUNT'S: I connect to their network via CAT5. They have the same set up that I do 4 computers connected by a router. Th only difference is that they have broadbad ISP that is connected to the network as well. And he uses DHCP for the IP addresses as well.

HOME: I came back home after my aunt's and hooked up my network back up the way that I had it and it would not work.

Clear up anything?

I was clear on your setup, but did you try what I suggested in terms of refreshing your IP config info once you hooked the machine back up to your home network?

After doing what I suggested, open a DOS box, try pinging the IP of your router, and tell us exactly what happens. Might not hurt to post the output of "ifconfig /all" as well as the IP addy (LAN-side) of the router on your home network.

I am at my aunt's house right now. I will have to see if it works at my house. If it does, I thank you in advance.

If not, I will be posting in a few days.

I am at my aunt's house right now. I will have to see if it works at my house. If it does, I thank you in advance.

If not, I will be posting in a few days.

OK- we'll be here then if you need us...

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