This is a serious problem with desperate help needed

I have virgin media broadband, with a D-link DI-524 router.

Every 25 minutes or so, my internet gets cut off and says "Local Netwrok Cable Unplugged", then it comes back on a split second later. So for example my msn messenger disconnects, I click reconnect and it connects again, I visit a site and it says page cannot be displayed and I refresh and it comes back on.

It is serious aswell because I host many online servers and online games (incl. football manager 2007) and I cant do this any more without people complaining that its stalled, crashed or they have disconnected.

I rung virgin media, told them the situation they said my internet has only been off 3 times so It was my routers fault.

I havent had chance to contact d-link because their website is so complicated just to email them.

So im asking for help on here any ideas on how to stop it please.

Help much appreciated, Jamez91

logical things to do are reset your router, call you ISP for help.

The A.R.M. is right, reset and pray...
the last time I saw this with a DI-5xx router all I had to do was update the firmware.

do the lights on your router or modem change when this happens? Are you on a battery backup? Is your cabeling lose or kinked? I would check all my connections (including the NIC) twice before blaming the ISP, talking to them is alway such a pleasure that I save that for last.

Dlink routers are crappy. this is a common issue

yeah, get a netgear or linksys router.

I didn't want to throw the first stone, but while we're on the subject, get a new router.

...nice timing NNS
I don't know if i should laugh or check for rootkits

Dont call your ISP. I have virgin media. Thier service center is away out in india and you cant understand what any of the "tech support" guys are saying.

You remembered to clone your mac right?

NTL hands out IP adresses via DHCP based on your routers MAC adress. The mac adress of the router should match the MAC of the network card that the router was plugged into when you ran the registration cd.

nice avatar sprigann

I thought you might like that :)

from now on, every one should get an office avatar.

long live the schrute farm.

back to subject. tech support from other countries isn't very good. i'm not trying to be racist but it's really hard to understand them.

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