I lost the Setup Cd...would anyone please share a copy of the drivers and wizard...

Go to the Manufacturer's website and Download it.

Go to the Manufacturer's website and Download it.

I have been there -
would have downloaded it if it were there...
If you can find it please forward me the link...

Is it new or secondhand?

if its been set up before you dont need the CD

that is the firmware upgrade...NOT the original "setup wizard"

i dont think you actually need the CD. I think you should be able to just plug it in and use the web interface

having same problem can't find initial software just upgrades . did you ever find it . thanks jculn

Thank you .

having same problem can't find initial software just upgrades . did you ever find it . thanks jculn

I should have a copy in a few days...
let me see how big it is and I will either email you a zip file or I will mail you (USPS) a CD
send me your email address - mine is cohen_ss@hotmail.com


NOT what I am looking for...
wrong answer
I found it Thanx anyway!

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