hi, i am looking for the most realistic racing simulator. I want it to be like real driving. And i also want it to be a free roam racing game. i prefer an offroad racing simulator. i use windows 7 64 bit. nvidia geforce 8400 gs low profile. Intel(R) Core(TM) 1.87 GHz (clocked speed is quite fast). 4 gb of ram. I use a Logitec MOMO wheel controller. thanks

Do you have a budget so we can recommend the best one to you.

Hi coolman, so what is your budget for the racing simulator or have you already bought one?

Um, I should have a budget big enough if I dont have to buy something other than the game.

Are you looking for something like this or smaller version?

Well, I really wish I had the money for one of those but I am looking for the most realistic open world racing game.

I really like motorm4x but my logitec MOMO won't work on that game. I also like dirt 2 (but it's not open world).

I have heard of a new game called off road drive. I'll try the demo.

I have that game but i hardly play it. But the game only suits for xbox or pc, i have a xbox 360, thus i am able to play. Good luck, if you find it fun, you might want to purchase it. Mine is the full version but only my brother plays it. lol

Gran Turismo is an ideal racing sim, but not open world, and on PS (unless have an emulator to use on PC) and also have games like Test Drive (PC versions)

I have test drive but it's not the most realistic.

Hi thecoolman5 So how is the demo version going. Fun?

Well, my Internet speed is so freaking slow that the download should be done by Friday. I live high in the mountains and a fast Internet speed cost 3 times more than what it is right now.

What your internet speed. There should always be a cheaper way to increase your speed. Just curious why are you living so high in the mountains?

My Internet speed I think is 150 kilobits per second. And I live in the mountains because I'm terrified of crime. The high town of elk ridge has the third lowest amount of crime in the world.

Well that is slow. Have you try upgrading it to around 3 mbp/s. So your internet speed is faster. What are you using for internet speed. A router and modem or a usb modem?

I'm using a router. And, my dad has looked everywhere and he can't find a faster internet speed for cheaper.

What router brand are you using? Try this link

We're using netgear.

Try using a Linksy or Asus router. They are much faster and some are cheap as well. See the link i posted. What is your OS and how old is your laptop?

I just have to convince my dad to change the router. He just changed it a week ago. My OS is windows 7 home premium 64 bit and I don't use a laptop. I desperately want to get a gaming computer but I'm not old enough to work and the amount I make for home jobs is like 2 bucks a month.

And, is the game only in Russian? Can you switch it to English?

I almost forgot. I'm going out of town for 4 days tomorrow. I'll check back with you when i get back.

Ok, have a safe trip. The game i download for my xbox is already in English, why is yours Russian. Are you using a xbox or PC to play the game? You can go to the game website and check to see whether you can translate it to english. About the gaming computer, you can study hard. That is what i do, i study and get all A's for my subjects and my father bought me a ipad. You can try to do that too. Just persuade your father to reward you with something if you study hard and get good results.

Alot of my friends have the game and their copy is only in Russian. And my parents only reward my with 20 bucks if I get straight A's. My parents make alot of money but there is 9 people in my family and all that money goes to food, cars, house, insurance, and Internet. They dont have the kind of money to buy an iPad. But my dad just bearly got a free iPad. His work made a huge investment to buy 800 iPads for all the employes.

Well, my game is not totally in English too. Occasionally, English subtitles will appear so i understand the game. Well hope you get your gaming computer soon. What brand you want to buy. There is Alienware a gaming laptop but the price is a bit high. Good luck, hope to hear a reply from you four days later.

So how did the discussion with your dad go?

He still isn't convinced. I still haven't tried out the demo yet, I have been so busy this week. I have nothing going on Monday.

I see, how about the gaming laptop. How much it cost. Maybe i am able to recommend some cheaper gaming laptops to you available in your region and country. Good luck

I already have something like a gaming computer. I use to have just a really crappy computer and I built it up with a new processor and 2 new graphics cards. I think building a custom gaming computer is way cheaper than buying a previous built one. I spent like 50 bucks for the processor and 60 bucks for the graphics cards.

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