im currently completing my second year of studies at ryerson university. Ever since I got online about 8 years ago, I have been fascinated with computers and initially I got into web design and started scripting websites, i grew profecient with photoshop dreamweaver, and slowly moved into PHP later on, I was quiet successful with all this, but most importantly this kind of defines my interest in a computer related field. Now I made a mistake coming out of high school, I only took calculus, I did not take physics or algebra, I did manage an 82 in calculus but at the time I just was not into academics, and i ended up applying to a general business program at mac, I went to mcmaster for first year, didnt do too well there since I really wasnt at all into the first year business courses offered, I transfered over to Ryerson, and I am currently enrolled in thier IT program, it is a IT management program, a BCOM degree. It has a applications development stream, here are the courses offered

and here is the curriculum for the computer science degree at ryerson

as you can see the first one is more business oriented, I do not think I will get involved with hardcore programming or do you guys think the applications development option is decent?

for me the dilema is whether i should switch my major to computer science, the problem is that I have not taken any math courses in the past, so I would really have to start from scratch while I am already 2 years into my IT management degree. Also on the side I want to finish my accounting courses, so if i was to do a comp sci major, id def want to do a minor in accounting, in case i decide to pursue a CA in the future.

I already took a year off after high school, and changing my major now to comp sci will further put me 2 years behind, would it be worthed? or do you guys think that the IT degree is good enough keeping in mind that I would be self teaching myself over these years.

If i do decide to stay with IT, I will be heavily interested in doing masters in computer science, but would the schools really consider me? especially the top schools such as waterloo despite my good grades since I didn't really major in a specialized computer science degree, or would they look at my IT management degree and feel its good enough to consider me for a comp sci masters program.

If i can pursue a masters comp sci degree, after my bachelors in IT management (bcom), I wouldn't want to change my major now, since it would take too much time but I am interested in computers and this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have to make a decision soon and stick by it, any input would be greatly appreciated.

You don't need any mathematical knowledge to start a computer science degree, aside from the ability to do obvious algebra, like being able to tell that x = z - y if you know that x + y = z. What is required (to be good at CS) is just the ability for logical thinking about abstract mathematical structures (which is what computer programs are). You don't need any prior programming experience either.

There is the question of whether it's right for you. Many people come in to some CS program with what they regard as programming experience, even in the language the university uses for their intro CS class, only to get their feeble minds burned in the first semester and drop out to IT or management or something. So there's the risk (as far as I can tell) that you'll be one of those people. There's also the risk that you just won't enjoy the program. I mean, I don't really know why you want to get a masters in CS. But anyway, I can't imagine it being easier to get into some masters CS program with an IT degree. Looking at the course listings they have, I don't see how that would be compatible with a decent masters CS program at all.

Unless your university has draconian regulations, and of course barring financial limitations, you could try out CS for a semester or a year and go back to IT if you decide otherwise. The worst case is that you're down a year and some money, but up on some knowledge; the best case is that you're happy and you continue into CS.

It would be good if you can attend some kind of open house or course preview talk at those university to find out more about the prerequisite. Most Comp Sci courses do not need prior programming knowledge, but as you go along there will be some application of mathematics such as matrix, algebra, vectors, etc.

Comp Science courses in universities do not teach only programming. There would be a fair amount of theoretical subjects, and most probably do not teach you any web design. So, do attend the course preview talks if any to understand more about the courses.

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