Im using the validation rule ">=(Now())" to ensure the date entered in the field is today onwards only. However, this rule does not allow todays date to be entered. How can i get it to accept todays date but not previous dates?

This is part of my a-level coursework, so if you can help me it would be great...


send me the database?

i tryed using ">=Now()-1" it works but now when i run a query for todays date it cannot find anything!!! AAAHHH

In Access, VB & Excel today is 38,427 days since Jan 1, 1970. The time becomes the fracation protion, so at the time I'm writing this response it's 38,427.31. Now at 3:30 pm today 38,427.65 you lanuch you application and try to enter data that was for ealier today it won't work because >=now ().

chang your formula to >= int(now()) and it will work fine.

commented: Good Job +1

chang your formula to >= int(now()) and it will work fine.

Cheers mate, it works a treat. Ive been struggling with that for ages, thats a great help...

Cheers mate, it works a treat. Ive been struggling with that for ages, thats a great help...

Another great "feature" brought to you by Microsoft :-)

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