Hello everyone, this is my first post in the community. Im doing my 3rd year in Software Engineering. We have a semester project coming up. We are 3 people in one team. I am looking for a good project idea which can be implemented by us in a time frame of around 6 months. Can anyone please suggest some good project topic? We prefer any web based projects (others are also welcome)
Few we thought already are, Making of a search engine from scratch, Making a web crawler etc..
Please reply asap because I have to submit my abstract in 2 days.

Thank you
Vishnu S

I too belong to same category . If you are interested only in web based projects
then here are some lists..


Few we thought already are, Making of a search engine from scratch, Making a web crawler etc..

If you are interested in making of search engine from scratch, let me tell u one thing.
As you know that search engine is not a small software, you will finally end up with only some functionalities.so think before u take that

My personal opinion is that you can also take some interesting network based applications where you can enjoy the real funda of java..

All the best....

"I studied every thing but never topped.... But today the toppers of the best universities are my employees"
— Bill Gates

Thanks for the reply.. today my guide was asking me to find a topic related to Cloud Computing.. any good innovative idea related to Cloud Computing?

Btw the link you gave is really helpful..


Hi,am doing my final year computer science engineering...I have to do a project in my final year...Am interested in doing web based projects..Kindly suggest me some topics..

hi am doing computer engineering... going through the 3 years of my degree progrsm.. i have been assigned the semester project.. so i need some of the guidline before taking its start...
in addition i also need some of the hints about choosing the Project...

Well, the list of suggestions linked to above is still valid, and while some are a bit small for what you want, plenty of those examples would make a suitable semester project.

Are there any requirements or limitations on the projects or types of development tools that you need to comply with? That alone could shape the decision, and we'd need to know what those were before we could give you helpful advice. Suggesting a web service project isn't going to do you any good if you need to write the project in Turbo C++, for example.

What courses have you covered and understood well enough that you feel you could dig into the subject matter a bit deeper? If you have, for example, covered a course on compiler design, you could design a simple language that is subset of, say, C, but adds some feature that you have always felt was missing. Write that feature into a your toy compiler, explain how the implementation works, and provide an argument for why that feature adds something to the language, and you've easily got enough work for a semester (actually, that's more of a thesis-level project - indeed, it is sort of the classic thesis project in some universities - but you get the idea).

Or perhaps we should approach this from another direction: what interests you? Is there any significant project or new idea that lights a fire under your a-- and makes you want to rush out to work on it immediately? 'Cos frankly, if you don't have that sort of drive, this may not be the business for you - software development is driven as much or more by the passion of the developers as it is to fulfill the needs of the market or some corporate requirement. While most of us have to do the drudge work to pay the bills, if you don't have a passion for coding and developing to begin with, you are unlikely to get far in programming. Try to think of some part of the field you really love, and run with it.

Hi,I am a student of computer system engineering and enrolled in the course of web engineering.Now,we are searching for semester project on web designing .Any good suggestion? we have about 2 months.

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