Hi , I need your help to provide me with some tips/guidelines about the process of developing online discussion forum. It would be best if you can provide me the name of the software too. I have class presentation next week about this topic and I am quite blur about the process

jwenting commented: lazy homework kiddo -3

I don't want to be critical about what you are asking but if you have a presentation for class next week, didn't your class cover tips/guidelines already? Wouldn't the presentation summarize what you have learned up to this point? That's how my university classes work.

At any rate, you could research vBulletin or discussion forum templates.

I need your help to provide me with some tips/guidelines about the process of developing online discussion forum.

In other words, you want us to do your assignment? Nice. As Stuugie mentioned, you should have those guidelines. If you do, which part do you need help with or are not clear on. Please show some attempt to do your assignment. You will find that members on this site would be more willing to help you if you simply put effort into it first.

It would be best if you can provide me the name of the software too.

I am confident that your assignmnet is not to simply present information about packaged software. I would hope that the purpose of your assignment is to learn about the work flow and processes regarding a platform used for discussion/forum/collaboration. What is the point in creating a presentation to show someone else's software? For that I you might as well just show the software vendor's marketing videos and call it a day.

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