I am getting a syntax error report from an UPDATE using two tables in a MYSQL db. :cry: This must be my mistake but I can't see it and have changed around many times now. Any ideas to help me resolve this welcome.

UPDATE hole,tee SET hole.hx=tee.tnx where hole.hid=tee.hid;

Error Report:
error in your SQL syntax near 'tee SET hole.hx=tee.tnx where hole.hid=tee.hid' at line 1

Server running version 4.3.8 of PHP on the Linux operating system

I am getting a syntax error report from an UPDATE using two tables in a MYSQL db. :cry: This must be my mistake but I can't see it and have changed around many times now. Any ideas to help me resolve this welcome.

UPDATE hole,tee SET hole.hx=tee.tnx where hole.hid=tee.hid;

Error Report:
error in your SQL syntax near 'tee SET hole.hx=tee.tnx where hole.hid=tee.hid' at line 1

Server running version 4.3.8 of PHP on the Linux operating system

you want to update two tables at one go?

you want to update two tables at one go?

I have used two queries to get round it but I want to use one. It only updates one table but it uses another table in the condition. In the syntax I think it is called a multi-tabe update. I think you could extend the syntax to update fields in both tables but I just used the simple case to make the post so the problem was clear.

I tried the update on a local server and it worked so I am wondering if the error message is mis-leading?

Thanks for your post.

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