I need to replicate data from server A to server B, server A is for transactional use, while server B is for reporting, where we do some database modification, for example posting, the problem is everytime the replicate agent run, it reset the modification into the original data. and when I opt "Keep the existing table unchanged", the replication will fail or only run 1 time, from 6 times scheduled replication agent run.

example table modification :
Server A
Table Invoice
ID : 01
Date : 2008/08/10
Client : ABC
Flag : 0

Server B
Table Invoice
ID : 01
Date : 2008/08/10
Client : ABC
Flag : 1

can anyone tell me what option should I choose? do I need to mention row Filters or anything? any help appreciated, thx

Thanks Ramy, but I want the changes to be kept in the subscriber only, not to be applied into the publisher. how can we do that?

For sure publisher won't save unless last changes, so use the Transactional mode. please read the last link I've sent you, to be sure you're using the best suitable for you.

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