I am using the syntax: REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)

to replace data in my table. However I have a slight issue I would like to address, when I have the following records

jon | jonathon | jonas | jonny

and I do the replace with

REPLACE(names, jon, '')

I am left with

| athon | as | ny

Is there a way that it can only replaces 'whole words' and not replace the string where it is part of a larger string?

add a where clause for
where str = 'jon' or str like ('jon %')

notice the space after jon

By a similar logic could I do something like:
REPLACE(str, from_str %, to_str)
As I am updating multiple columns adding where causes would make my code very verbose.

no, i don't believe the replace has that exact logic

show us your complete update statement or select whatever that may be, and lets go from there

Try this

select if(name='Jon',replace(name,'Jon',''),name) as name from data


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